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is there a back door

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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is there a back door

Post by pballn »

outside the guild behind the title vendor it looks like the back of a demon door.
Does anyone know how to get in or where it takes you. Also in the room where you fight jack there is a blank picture. Are they related in some way? i've played though as good and evil and played the good guy to total evil and the evil guy to total good with no luck changing the picture on the wall. Has anyone found Jack's home? And if there is a fable 1.5 programmer listening I WANT TO FIGHT DRAGONS! :D
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Post by Dillinja »

Missing Picture

I read somewhere that the missing picture in the Chamber of Whatever where you fight Jack, is supposed to have the hero battling a dragon. Some people who have modded xbox's have hacked the game and found an island named Dragon Island (or something like that), and there is also a code for a dragon boss, but the programmers left that out :mad:
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Mad Loco
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Post by Mad Loco »

The real question is how can you hack an Xbox and more importantly the game..the only thing about the game on the xbox is the save file not the entire game, anyhow it's not like i have 1 xbox, i have 2 (the second one was a replacement for the first since my brother went a 'dropped' it on the floor..hans't worked since but i know how to fix that) It would be interesting to find out.
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Post by Dillinja »

To hack an Xbox you need a modchip and Evo X. I have both but I am crap at doing all the stuff, the most elaborate I have been is installing Burnout 3 on my hard drive. If you have Evo X you can (somehow) access all the files on a game, and transfer game mods from the pc to xbox (using the Ethernet port). I seriously don't have a clue how to hack a game I was just going on what I read on other forums.
This link shows all the files to do with a dragon in the game, and it clearly says there is a dragon quest and creature...maybe even a boss. Also it says there is an area called Dragon Cliff, which I believe to be the small island near Hook Coast.

Here is a link to someone who has taken screenshots of Fable (by using either a SDK or using their PC as video output). It clearly shows the Dragon picture (found in Chamber of Whatever where you battled Jack) and some pictures of Dragon Cliff, as well as lots of other hacks. Have a look for yourself.
Hacked Stuff
PS The images of Dragon Cliff are on page 3
PPS The pictures aren't fakes before anyone says they are
Rule Brittania
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