I just finished the game this morning! What a rush! It is an incredible game and I had so much fun playing it. The storyline is awesome! Way to go Bioware! This is the first video game that I have ever completed so I am just on such a high of euphoria. This game alone has made getting my XBox worth it. I played Light Side as a Soldier/Guardian all the way and enjoyed being the hero.
What is even better is that my wife and daughter are going out of town this weekend so I'll have all weekend to myself. What perfect timing! I plan to start the game again and play the Dark Side as a Scoundrel/Consular all the way this time. I'm looking forward to having fun with those Dark Side force powers and killing everyone instead of helping all of those weak, pathetic, helpless fools! {Insert evil laugh}
Thanks to all of ya'll who helped me get to the end.
Just finished the game
Just finished the game
"Did I say that out loud?" - HK-47