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C Elegans
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Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2001 11:00 pm
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Post by C Elegans »

Random, since you feel deeply attached to the US, I certainly don't you should move because of fear for terrorist attacks. The risk that you or your family would get hurt or die in a terrorist attack is immensly smaller than the risk that you will die in a car accident, a robbery or a random attack from a disturbed person.

I fully support that you talk to your wife about horrible things the US has done, in order to increase her knowledge and understanding of the current situation. Wherever you live, inside or outside of the US, it should be a common decision based on realities. If the history of US foreign policy is new to your wife, it may appear scary to her, but in the end, you wouldn't want to live a life where your feelings of safety, satisfaction or happiness are based on an illusion.

Safety is actually one of the greatest illusions of the human mind. Stay and fight for getting another president the next term, and decrease the negative impact of the present one during his term. It is my impression that many patriotic Americans is not at all supporting Bush but instead are quite disappointed at the way he has run the country. Moving away is however not what most patriots like to do, staying and fighting for a better America is what they prefer, and I believe that isi the best for you too.

I have a patriotic Russian friend who grew up with the communism, watched the Soviet Union fall, and was, together with all Russians, plunged into the chaos that followed. When he was a kid, he dreamt about fleeing Soviet and live in Europe.
After the fall, he could have moved anywhere he wanted. He speaks perfect English and has an excellent education and could easily get a job anywhere in the world. In Russia, he has to struggle to support his family and bring up his two kids. Salaries are low, all the money is pouring into business in Moscow and a small elite class of "noveu rich" people is having a good life materially and they don't care about anything else. In the meanwhile, there is much poltical instability in the country, Putin is a smart and skilled dictator type of leader and many people like him I think much for the same reasons as many Americans like Bush. My friend is extremely critical to just about everything in Russia. But he is not going to move. He is going to stay and fight for a New Russia, a Russia that has done away with communism and connected to it's past history. I believe you are like my friend. So stay and fight for a better America.
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