What does anybody think about what Aeries Patheon is???
Also who are those beings she swears to?? Last night I heard one was chiktaaka Fastpaws, (I think). Another one starts with a "B"??/ What was it?
Who does she pray too?? Is there a winged elf Patheon?
What is Aerie's Pantheon
What is Aerie's Pantheon
Aerie worships Baervan Wildwander (pronounced bare-eh-vahn), the gnomish god of forests, travel, and nature. You've probably heard her say, "In Baervan's name, it shall be done." Baervan is often accompanied by his animal companion, a giant raccoon named Chiktikka Fastpaws. You've probably heard Aerie say, "Faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws," so he must be pretty fast.
If you romance Aerie, she talks about her faith. She also discusses her beliefs with Keldorn. Aerie is estranged from the elven gods because she doesn't feel complete without her wings, but she takes comfort from the gnomish gods because of her relationship with her "uncle" Quayle.
If Aerie had not been captured by slavers and had not lost her wings, she would probably be serving one of the gods of the Avariel, but I don't know much about them.
Incidentally, an elf cannot be a Cleric/Mage under normal circumstances, but Aerie's nature has been changed by her experiences, so I guess that's why she is able to be a Cleric/Mage.
If you romance Aerie, she talks about her faith. She also discusses her beliefs with Keldorn. Aerie is estranged from the elven gods because she doesn't feel complete without her wings, but she takes comfort from the gnomish gods because of her relationship with her "uncle" Quayle.
If Aerie had not been captured by slavers and had not lost her wings, she would probably be serving one of the gods of the Avariel, but I don't know much about them.
Incidentally, an elf cannot be a Cleric/Mage under normal circumstances, but Aerie's nature has been changed by her experiences, so I guess that's why she is able to be a Cleric/Mage.
Yeah but if I remember correctly she also sais that she used to worship Aerdrie Faenya the Avariel Goddess of the Pantheon of Elves. Here's a picture of the elven pantheon, maybe you can guess who it is ^^. Anyway, she sais she couldn't bear to turn towards Aerdrie because she had lost her wings, and that Quayle brings faith back her, by worshiping the gnomish god.
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Usstan inbal l' uyl'udith ssinssrigg jihard wun l' tresk'ri! ^^ And it's true too hehe