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Mods editing votes?

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Mods editing votes?

Post by Vicsun »

I clicked on the wrong radial button of a poll by accident, so I pm'ed SYM's resident mods asking them to change my vote for me. Xandax was the first to reply, telling me it's impossible. Now, I recall fable changing my vote on a SYMian poll per my request back in the old days when he was still moderating, so just to make sure Xan hadn't missed some hidden button, I looked for options to edit poll results on the Torment board, which I moderate, but I was out of luck.
So my question is, have we both missed some hidden option, or is the editing of polls restricted? If the latter, is there a reason for it or is it just a case of the mods' permissions to edit polls never being updated after the move to vBB v.3? Again, if the latter, can those permissions be reinstated? They are not used often, but at times members might want to either change their votes (as in my case) or edit the poll options.
Thanks :)
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Post by jopperm2 »

I agree! That was a superb Poll that someone posted and it would be further glorified if it could be completely accurate..

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Post by BuckGB »

It seems to have been removed with the update to vBulletin 3.0, but after some research I figured out how to reinstate it. Let me know if you have any further problems trying to edit polls.
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Post by Vicsun »

Thanks, Buck :)
Vicsun, I certainly agree with your assertion that you are an unpleasant person. ~Chanak

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