Ive investigated the crime scene, got the manifest but can't access the computer to get the police report. I had to munch the cop in the room cause I seriously had zero blood. I only have a 4 in Hacking so I need to find the password.
There are all kinds of creatures that stalk the night and I'm one of them.
Did you try to use blood buff to see if it would help. I know it helps with lock picking not sure about hacking. If not, I can't remember where the password is on the ship.
I tried talking to the cop and just got shot. I got to the controls menu but couldn't get into the log menu and I guess my mission isn't complete til I do cause I can't go back to the beach yet.
There are all kinds of creatures that stalk the night and I'm one of them.
This took me for friggin ever to figure out, but simply enough, there is a table on the deck with the police report. It is half way between the crane and the
ankaran dealy.