I just started Arcanum. I was just wondering how come I don't get character points as I level up. I reached level 6 and still no character points for me to spend.
By character points, you mean you don't receive any points at all to spend attributes, etc?
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
I would suggest it's deffinatly a bug if thats actualy whats happening.
2 things, You might have an autolevel script set up by mistake(selctable on the character screen somewhere i forget exactly top rightish i think)
if so you point sare being spend for you - check to see if your skills stast have increased?
other than that I assume you have tried actulay adjusting stuff? could be (and this is a long shot) that your display is updating but you do actualy have the points.
They say to truly understand reality one must learn to think in Seven Dimensions
Understand there is no chaos - Only a pattern to large for your mind to grasp
I've finally solved it. The reason why I don't get CP to use because I accidentally set a theme to follow. I clicked on custom character set on the top right.
Now i'm back to normal, gonna restart again. Thanks!
Good to see you got the game, I remember when I had first started I had put the game down for a long time and then returned to it. Half of the time I end up making a gunslinger, but also make half elf mages. If you ever want a good laugh choose an oger with an intelligence of 4 or lower and talk to people, especially Virgil when you ask him what to do next. He gets quite agggravated!