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Have you actually beat the main quest? (possible spoilers)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by harfleur »

i've owned--and played--MW for about 3 months now, and have yet to beat the main quest. In fact, my one and only PC is only lvl 15, and I'm just starting to learn how to use magic in the game. I don't know--maybe there are benefits to not having the game manual, in terms of how challenging the game is? (It's not a pirated copy--it came bundled with a video card)

Got a different problem from beornica, though--my wife doesn't play, and doesn't like it when I play! I have to steal my moments when I can. It's hard to get a feel for the game in half-hour increments, though! :D

I'm playing really cautiously, making sure I'm strong enough before I head out on a guild quest or what have you--that's probably why I'm only at lvl 15! Since I haven't beat the main quest yet I can't speak to the anticlimax at the ending, but after several months of work, I WOULD want a big fanfare at the end! Would it be possible to create a mod that would do some flashy stuff at the end? Or maybe some enterprising soul could make a big long splashy cutscene that would satisfy our need to be stroked....
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Post by moltovir »

There exists a wonderful 6th house mod. Join Dagoth Ur, kill everybody that stands in your way, cause ashstorms in every village, and practice your evil laught in your free days :D It's truly a very good alternative main quest.
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