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thief guild job (acquire darts) **possible spoiler**

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robot flux
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thief guild job (acquire darts) **possible spoiler**

Post by robot flux »

So, the jeweler told me to fetch these "Darts of JUDGEMENT" and so I went to the manor. But hey, the chick who supposedly has the darts, isn't talking about them thou I tried bribing till she was 100 towards me. Taunting her doesn't help, she doesn't have them with her. Where are the darts located?
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Those darts are on her bed... see all bed's in quard quarters..

Ei se voi olla niin vaikeaa..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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robot flux
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Post by robot flux »

Oh right, I probably didn't...well I didn't notice em.

Joo ei ollu vaikeeaa.. lol
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Post by jopperm2 »

BTW, does anyone know the exact effect of these darts? I'm not too good with them but when I hit it looks like it just kills instantly. Is this true?
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Well since only ranged weapon i use is bow.. i do not know answer to your question.. So it could be possible.. if you still have those go and kill one of harder monsters with it.. and if i remember correct you get 4 of those right?

Oh well i would like to hear what monsters you have killed with those darts?

Weak monster's/NPC's die quite quicly..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by jopperm2 »

Actually I don't have them any more. I sold them cuz I needed some cash at the moment, but I did save and kill thei owner to try them out. It took all four becasue I'm not good with the skill, but the owner was basically unaffected and then on the last one fell over and a stream of blood came out. I reloaded to get the darts back and sold them.
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Post by Volk »

Nothing special about them besides the extra damage and possibily more enchanting space on them, they where all in all made to be sold, considering theres only 4 of them and other darts/ranged weapons do the job just as well.

Most marksman weapons are instant killers when used by the right characters including darts, knives, stars and my favorite crossbows.
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Post by Locke Da'averan »


the guys in the sewers in Mournhold have darts that are much more powerful although not as cool looking as those, those darts killed even my lvl70 char..

eipäs käytetä vieraita kieliä täällä, soo soo pojat :p
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robot flux
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Post by robot flux »

1st of all, DO NOT SELL THE DARTS TO THE GUY WHO WANTS IT (the jeweler). Instead, sell them all to the mudcrab, get 20k (?) in total! Great!
eipäs käytetä vieraita kieliä täällä, soo soo pojat
(translation no foreign languages boys..)
me no comprehende! me use up all of me english!

No lol ei kai haittaa! Eikö englanti ole muka vieras kieli? Et tsk tsk tsk itelles...
(dont worry girls, me just being a besserwisser here :P )
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