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Level 13 kensai ?

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Level 13 kensai ?

Post by estaze »

When dualing your kensai to mage, why does many people think its good to dual at lvl 13? lvl 12 would be better, because that is where you gain your bonuses.. Can anyone explain this to me?
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Post by Klorox »

All fighters (and kits) gain an extra 1/2 attack per round at level 13, something you'll never get even with 1000 Mage levels.

I recommend 13 to dual if you have ToB, 9 if you have only SoA.
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-- Jackie Robinson

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Post by Qwinn »

In addition to getting that last 1/2 attack per round at level 13, you also get a bunch of boosts to saving throws. If you've gone all the way to 12, it really is worth sticking it out to 13 for all that.

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