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Where's dat adamantium?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Where's dat adamantium?

Post by crimsonwolf »

I beat the Tribunal quest and then realized, Hey! I never once found a piece of adamantium ore... Where can I find some (preferably a lot), what kind of armor (heavy, med, light) is it, and what rating is it?
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

It is medium armor... and it has better armor rating than normal indoril...

I must say that i dont have Tribunal..

But if i remember right.. you need to talk to smith wich will make this armor for you... it might be same smith that makes that purple glass armor.. But if you are on PC i would recomend downloading (official) Adamantium plugin.. it will add almost whole set to meldor..(helm is missing but that is reason why there is Helm of tohan pluging)

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by moltovir »

Adamantium Ore spawn points:

Norenen-dur, The Teeth that Gnash - Once you get to the point in the Tribunal Main quest, go through the following: Plaza Brindisi, Bamz-Amschend, Heartfire Hall, Passage of Whispers, Radac’s Forge, Passage of theWalker, Norenen-dur.
Old Mournhold, Armory Ruins - Go to the Great Bazaar then go through: Old Mournhold: Bazaar Sewers, Palace Sewers, West Sewers, Battlefield, City Gate
Old Mournhold, Temple Catacombs - Start in the Temple Basement then go through the Temple Sewers and then into the Temple Sewers East.
Old Mournhold, Temple Crypt - Start in the Temple Basement then go through the Temple Sewers, Temple Sewers East, Temple Gardens, Temple Shrine.

Give enough ore to Bols Indalen in the Craftsmen's hall and he'll make you all the pieces

It is easier if you follow Wraths tip, just visit ;)

Other Adamantium locations:
- Apelles Matius in Ebonheart has a full set (but no helm) - Just make sure you talk with him before you kill him, otherwise you won't be able to finish Tribunals main quest.
- Yagak gro-Gluk in the Craftsmen's Hall (afaik also important for the main quest!) has the following pieces equiped: boots, cuirass, greaves, right bracer, right pauldron.
- You can find a pair of boots in the Bazaar sewers.
- In the Moril manor (reached trough the Mournhold sewers) you can find a pair of boots, a helm, a left bracer and a right one.
- A cuirass can be found in Temple Sewers West.
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