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firkraag problemos....

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firkraag problemos....

Post by Stingher »

i gots me a problem..
went to kill firkraag, alles ok and so. only problem is that the kid of the G-man aint coming out of the jail!?!
did it once.. did it twice.. same prob.
i DO have the stupid deed also.. the deed to the lands or whatever. i, being a thief (and fighter and a mage :p ) have picpocketed it from him ages (really ages) ago already.. so i cant reload to the time before the pickpocketing.
now how would it work ok?! any ideas? havent tried of just dropping the deed though.. dont think it'd work.
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Post by Xyx »

That Mage guy, Conster, should drop the key, if I'm not mistaken.
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Post by Stingher »

the mage guy conster DOES drop the key and i DO open the cell but the kid just does NOT come out!?! just sais the same thing all over again, same as before the door was open.. its all too weird.
dont really know what to do now.
right now im thinking of just sleeping the beer out of my head.. might help a wee bit ;)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

what deed? I don't remember any deed to lands, just the challenge letter.

Essentially, face dragon, trade snide cutting remarks, constanter is left on his own, he d jumps back to waiting trap of 4 skeleton warriors, hee hee!
free the brat, he leaves
dies. I go back, kill dragon, all is well with the world.
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Post by Sojourner »

It sounds like one or more global variables may have not been correctly set. Enter the following at the console:



The first one should return a value of 1 and the second one should return a value of 3.
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Post by Stingher »

Originally posted by Sojourner:
<STRONG>It sounds like one or more global variables may have not been correctly set. Enter the following at the console:



The first one should return a value of 1 and the second one should return a value of 3.</STRONG>
ok, thanks.. that made it work just fine! and actually even better than fine cause somehow i managed to get the exp-points double from the g-man ;)
and now *I* have the stupid deed to the lands.. i wonder when people recoqnize me as the ruling lady of the lands :p
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