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so freakin stuck on narshadda (spoliers)

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so freakin stuck on narshadda (spoliers)

Post by defpotec22 »

so i've done all the missions that you can do on narshadda, except for the ones that you can't do until you finish your business with the exchange. the problem is, the guys never come to my ship because i took their docking space. the only mission i haven't done that can be done before the dock altercation is vogga's horde, but i can't do it because i already danced and woke him up, and i can't dance for him again to put him to sleep. i'm so so stuck, help
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Post by robkid »

Nar Shaddaa is really starting to irritate me as well. I went to Dantooine first then to Nar Shaddaa. I did everything I could (although there were a few abrupt transitions, such as when I went into the cantina and the next thing I knew I was in front of the hutt), but the Exchange trigger never fired, even though the little guy says they want my head. I finally gave up and went and did the first run at Onderon/Dxun and came back. I was hoping there was just something that was level based (I'm now 15/5 Sentinel/Watchman), but I still can't get it to fire. Any thoughts (aside from just run around and wait, which I've already spent over an hour doing)? I'm somewhat nervous, just because there seem to be so many quest bugs (such as the two scavengers from Dantooine that I'm carrying around that no one seems interested in), and I'd hate to start over at this point.

Here's the current status of my Nar Shaddaa quests:

Trade War: Convinced Oondar (dark) to leave Geeda (light) alone, likely causing trouble with the Exchange.
Pazaak Den: The Champ: Defeated the Champ and got a golden card.
Pazaak Den: Geredi: Removed him as an obstacle
Pazaak Den: Dahnis: Gained Dahnis' respect
Pazaak Den: S4-C8: Reduced the number of players
Pazaak Den Password: Gained entry
Lupo's Advantage: Lupo has left and Borna Lys has the swoop gallery (also won the race)
Plague Carrier: Tricked Saquesh into thinking Geriel's disease was serious to lessen oppression and healed Geriel
Refugee Woes: Eliminated the leadership of the Serroco and convinced the Exchange to give the refugees more space
Sold to the Hutts: Negotiated with Saquesh to release Adana
Serroco Thugs: Attacked them and killed their leader
Wayward Captain: Convinced the Lunar Shadow's captain to return to his men
Overtaxed Ithorian: Resolved Lasavvou's predicament and he left
Fassa's Freighters: Successfully prioritized the freighters
Power Shortage: Fixed the pylon power supply via computer skill
Experiment in Delivery: Bith scientist is gone (is there any further conclusion to this?)
Vogga's Dancers: The handmaiden danced for Vogga
Droid Retrieval: Returned the droid to TT-32

Active Quests:
Vogga the Hutt: Overheard about Vogga's obsession with Goto (after I had already danced for him and heard about this that way)
New Trade Routes: Geeda still wants a trade route to Onderon (looks like I can't complete this yet...)
Intergalactic Reunification: Found Aaida, but she can't leave the camp until I do something about the Exchange guards (can't seem to do anything further at this point...)
Will Work for Fuel: Odis wants work, but looks like I can't help until Goto's piracy is resolved.
Seeking Passage: Kahranna wants off, but looks like I can't help until Goto's piracy is resolved.
Ebon Hawk ID Signature: Need a transponder card, haven't found one yet.
Landing Rights: Convinced Quello to let me stay, but may cause trouble.
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Post by robkid »

Finally got it to trigger. I wonder if it has to do with how you get from area to area. I had been using the airspeeder to get everywhere, but I decided to do an experiment while I was waiting. I wanted to see if you transitioned manually if the airspeeder would follow, the way the Mandalorian Guide on Dxun does, so I walked back from the refugee sector to the refugee docs, and bang, there everything goes.

BTW, as one more aside on how buggy the quests are, I finally picked up the Vogga's Horde quest (also interesting how they misspelled Hoard ), but of course I can't complete it as I already bumped into the guy in the cantina who wanted me to dance. Tried having Handmaiden put the outfit back on, but can't redo it. Oh well, I guess robbing the guy isn't very Jedi-like anyway...
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Post by defpotec22 »

i discovered from another forum that once you do all the planet specific quessts you can, it will trigger when trying to go into the refugee sector.
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Post by robkid »

[QUOTE=defpotec22]i discovered from another forum that once you do all the planet specific quessts you can, it will trigger when trying to go into the refugee sector.[/QUOTE]

That can't be exactly true, as it triggered for me as I was moving from the refugee sector to the refugee docs via the exit (i.e. not the airspeeder).
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Post by Rice~Boi »

ANyone of you know where the wife of that guy is. I got a quest for finding some woman in the refugee sector... Also do i have to talk to ODis again and tell him i got a job for him? Also who will fly that family away!?
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Post by Gigiya »

[QUOTE=Rice~Boi]ANyone of you know where the wife of that guy is. I got a quest for finding some woman in the refugee sector... Also do i have to talk to ODis again and tell him i got a job for him? Also who will fly that family away!?[/QUOTE]

The wife is right next to the leader guy of the Refugee Sector, can't remember his name. No, you don't have to talk to Odis again. The guy at the docks will, but you have to do the whole Goto's yacht thing first.
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black ridr
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Post by black ridr »

help stuck on nar shadda

i have done every single quest on that leads up to the comlink call that tells you to meet visquis at the jekk jekk tar . i havent recieved that call. i have done every single thing possible that is known to man on this planet. the only quests that i have not done are. to kll goto for vogga and find the ebon hawk id . please somebody help me ive been stuck on this part for hours. i have gone through each area and talked to each person 5 times to see if i missed anything and i did not please reply asap
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Post by robkid »

[QUOTE=black ridr]i have done every single quest on that leads up to the comlink call that tells you to meet visquis at the jekk jekk tar . i havent recieved that call. i have done everything needed. the only quests that i have not done are. to kll goto for vogga and find the refugee lady a pilot . please somebody help me ive been stuck on this part for hours. i have gone through each area and talked to each person 5 times to see if i missed anything and i did not please reply asap[/QUOTE]

I was in a similar point. Are you using the airspeeder to get around? I'm suspicious that the trigger with the other folks who want your landing pad won't trigger if you're moving around by airspeeder. The first time I transitioned normally (going from refugee camp to refugee docs to see if the airspeeder would follow me around like the mandalorian guide does), I immediately got the next part to trigger.
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Post by Koreforce »

I never found all the parts for that damned airspeeder. I don't really need it to get around anyway, since you ten to miss things like that. But still, I'm sure you get some sort of experience for making it operational, and I heard atton has something to do with it?
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Post by robkid »

[QUOTE=Koreforce]I never found all the parts for that damned airspeeder. I don't really need it to get around anyway, since you ten to miss things like that. But still, I'm sure you get some sort of experience for making it operational, and I heard atton has something to do with it?[/QUOTE]

The bit with Atton is an opportunity to gain influence. I forget where the parts are, but they're all on Nar Shadda as I recall.
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Post by Somni »

not true

That can't be true because the kotor 2 guide book states that after you get off the Ebon hawk and after defeating or allying with the red eclipse then it triggers. Unfortunately the same happens to me. I did every single quest before jek jek tarr and still it won't trigger. I go in the ebon hawk a hundred times but nothing happens except kreia talking to disciple about him being a murderer. My previous game the same happened but I was just travelling and then atton tells me I have a message and that we should return to the ebon hawk.

But I believe that you must go to the refugee docks and iinside the hotel and in stealth mode go to the first room with 2 aliens and eavesdrop their conversation then go to the cantina and buy juma juice and either go put the juice in vogga's shelter but I think you won't be able to because vogga will say to get away from his kath hounds bucket and this leads to the conclusion of getting a dancer to make vogga go to sleep. After that maybe you have to wake him up and talk about killing goto then you probably get visquis message. :confused:
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Post by black ridr »

help on nar shadda

yes i have done evrything on nar shadda that it says in the strategy guide. i did not use the air speeder. and i did everything u guys suggested still didnt work. the only remaining quests i have to do is kill goto for vogga and help that lady gte a pilot thats all. i need to get this comlink message to beat the game. please help me
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Post by robkid »

I don't think there is anything we can do to help you. Something about this particular trigger is rather sensitive, and I don't think anyone's figured out a magic bullet for it. The only thing I can suggest is to keep transitioning between the areas, going back to the ship once in a while, and hope. Yes, I realize it's frustrating, but there's just not a silver bullet here. If possible, you could try going to another planet for a bit to ease the frustration (what I did).
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Post by black ridr »

this is the most messed up crap in my whole gaming history. i need to beat this game this is last thing i need to before i cant meet the jedi counsel on dantooine. i have done every physical possible thing that there is to do on nar shadda and it screws me up because i might possibly have a glitch. please somebody out there help me.
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Darth Monkey
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Post by Darth Monkey »

I been stuck on nar shaddaa for two days now and nothing is happening. I completed most of the journal entries and the little guy in the cantina says that the exchange is only interested in me. I need them to want me dead but there is nothing left to do on the planet. I really would like to move on with the game but this is all I have to do. I found Master Vrook, Master Kavar, and found the dead jedi on Korriban. What do I have to do to trigger the meeting with the exchange. Is this the only way you can meet the jedi on nar shaddaa? I need help. Walking around the different areas is not working.
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Post by Darth Monkey »

does the exchange trigger have anything to do with a quest on another planet. I really getting pissed off at this game. I only have to find this one jedi and go back to datooine but no, the game won't let me. Does anyone know exactly what they did when the exchange contacted them or when they first heard the the exchange wanted their head. I getting frustrated and I'm sure everyone else is. I am pretty sure it is not just the way u get around or the number of quest u have completed. I also wonder why different things work for different people. All of you the have completed nar shaddaa have done something similar and me and all the other people suck on this part want to know what it is so we can have the previlge of finishing the game. And those of you who have beaten the game more than once, did you have problems the second time around? Please help me out here. Please....
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Post by robkid »

Seriously, there's no magic bullet. I was in the same spot, got frustrated and went and did Onderon/Dxun for a break. When I came back, still nothing. Wandered from place to place until it finally triggered. Didn't complete any more quests, didn't talk to anyone I hadn't talked to a dozen times, etc, etc. About the only thing I can think of that I did differently was to not use the airspeeder, but others have reported that they've never used the airspeeder and still wound up in the same predicament. Without having the debugger running while this is going on, or a developer specifying exactly what the scripting trigger is, no one's going to be able to tell you exactly what to do. I think all of us were doing something different when it finally triggered.
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Post by Darth Monkey »

I really want to beat this game. I think it is crazy that the developers put something like this in the game.

Is there anything else I can do while I'm waiting on other planets or do I have to stay on nar shaddaa and walk around waiting for the call from the exchange? From what I have been hearing I need Atton in my part in order to get the call.

Also is there any way to get vossa the hutt back to sleep so I can do the vogga's horde quest? I probably shouldn't do it because it might delay the exchange call.

I won't be able to play again until thursday night so I just pray something happens and maybe I'll beat the game soon. I mean nar shaddaa is the last thing I have to do before before returning to datooine and finishing the game.
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Post by Darth Monkey »

hey robkid,

that little guy in the cantina is still say "Exchange very interested in you, Talk about you all the time," but I want him to say "Exchange wants your head" right. I've done almost all of the quests and he is still saying their still just interested in me. Do you think this matters.

My game plan is to just walk back and forth from the rufugee sector and the ebon hawk because some say it happens at the ship and others have reported the call at the rufugee docks?

Where were you when you were contacted?

I appreciate all the help you can give.
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