I got the game today and now I am sitting in the tutorial and have no clue what is going on.
I just killed that first Sabbat geek and when I came back to Jack, he tells me that we have to get out of here. Then he tells me something like I have to get to the basement, go down the stairs. But which stairs and how do I get there ?
The toilet behind him is a dead end.
I think he means the stairs where I found the one human to drink of, but I can't get back through that door, the icon says it's locked. I tried to get the boxes in the middle of the street to that fence-door, after I got them there, I could jump on them but not over the fence...
Any ideas ?
Lucita y Aragon, Childe of Ambrosio Luis Moncada, Childe of Silvester de Ruiz, Childe of Boukephos, Childe of Lasombra
There's a door behind him, I believe, that leads to a grate in the floor. Sometimes that door doesn't open... try saving and reloading, and worse comes to worse, restarting the game. Since its so early, you won't miss much. Sorry that you got hit by this bug so early in the game... keep playing, trust me, its worth it!
Maybe you should check if you can use your mouse to look up/down. In my case it was turned off, thatswhy i always had probs finding things on the ground.
Thanks I am going to try to enable that feature...that's the only stupid thing that I have encountered so far, as it makes some movements really awkward.
Lucita y Aragon, Childe of Ambrosio Luis Moncada, Childe of Silvester de Ruiz, Childe of Boukephos, Childe of Lasombra