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Observation on Skills

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Observation on Skills

Post by jeremiah »

Dang, all the thieving skills seem absolutely useless. There doesn't seem to be any traps worth worrying about other than some containers (that can be circumvented with the knock spell).

Conversation skills are a lot more useful so a bard or a multi/rogue is useful. Survival is also pretty useful if you want to avoid some random encounters.

Craft Wondrous Items is great (I had my cleric make a +6 charisma cloak for my paladin for the wonderful across the board saving throw bonus plus enhancement of paladin abilities). Too bad the xp doesn't seem to come fast enough to make more. Have to find a nice place to rest with spawning monsters.

Tumble and Listen are not bad skills for all characters to invest in. Seems to help my characters avoid enemies Attacks of Opportunity a lot more. Because of this though, heavy armor seems a bad choice. Elven and chain mail are good. My cleric unfortunately has 10 dexterity so she can't seem to make good use of her tumble skills (she gets penalized by her equipment). Have to make Gloves of dexterity +6 with my wizard soon so she can stick with elven chain.

There seems to be a lot of skill point choices. I decided to have my pally and cleric take Use Magic Devices with their spare points. That way they could use wands that my wizard can craft.

I really want to thank the Circle of 8 group for their fan made patches. It is making my entry into ToEE a much more enjoyable experience.
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Post by silverdragon72 »


Craft Wondrous Items is a feat - not a skill!

tumble is one of the best skills for all PCs

concentration and spellcraft is very good for casters!

move silently & hide can also help all PCs (both melee & casters)

all other skills are best focussed on one single PC or quite useless!

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Post by jeremiah »

I know craft wondrous items is a feat :) . Just digressing from my main topic LOL.
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