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What's the capital of Rashemen?

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What's the capital of Rashemen?

Post by Nogoodnamesleft »

You know, that country in Faerun that's basically ancient Russia with the oldskool pre-Christian warrior ethic thing? Thx. And by the way, this is my first post on this forum! And yes, I promise not to be a bunghole like I was on the last five forums I got banned from.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

[QUOTE=Nogoodnamesleft]You know, that country in Faerun that's basically ancient Russia with the oldskool pre-Christian warrior ethic thing? Thx. And by the way, this is my first post on this forum! And yes, I promise not to be a bunghole like I was on the last five forums I got banned from.[/QUOTE]

This really belongs in the Forgotten Realms forum.
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Post by Nogoodnamesleft »

What's the url? Do u have a link??? thx
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Post by jopperm2 »

It's just another forum here on Gamebanshee, but the answer is Immilmar, so no need to repost it. ;)
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Post by Rob-hin »

I've move the thread to the Forgotten Realms section in case ypu wish to continue to talk about it. :)
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