This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
As you all know, I'm quite new to the Morrowind game, and have some basic questions. In the interest of not spoiling my experience, I don't want to go reading old threads in the forum, in case they contain info I don't want to know as yet. So please forgive me if these questions have been asked!
1) Can you dual wield? Or is only one weapon at a time allowed?
2) Improving the Enchant skill - I can't seem to find any low level spells to cast, so how do I improve it?
3) Storing items - I'm carrying a bunch of notes and stuff I want to keep, but I don't know where I can put them. Is there a safe place to store items?
Please keep spoilers to a minimum.
Thanks all!
I'm wearing Boots of Escaping! I'm wearing Boots of Escaping!
1) Nahh no duel wielding, but you can have a shiled and a sword (one handed sword)
2) Do you mean enchanting items with spells, or do you mean casting spells that you don't have enough Magic Points for?
3) Well, I'm not sure about the PC version, but in the Xbox Version, you can just drop them on the floor, and they'll stay there until you come back for them.
2. Enchant skill is not a skill that requires spell casting. You have to enachant items with soul gems or recharge already enchanted items with soul gems to raise this skill. This is probably the hardest skill to raise.
3. You can always "liberate" someone's house and store stuff there. Also if you are on the PC there are numerous mods that add houses for your personal use which you can download and then store stuff in there.
2) Enchant isn't used for casting spells. It is used to Make, Use, and Recharge echanted items.
3) I usually leave things somewhere I go a lot. Caius Cosades' house or the bunkroom in the basement of the Balmora Fighter's GUild would be good starts for you. No one will take them no matter what you do, but you want to be able to find them!
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." Thomas Jefferson
Thanks guys! Okay, since I'm in Balmora at the moment, I'll go and dump some stuff in the Fighter's Guild. Since Zarustha is a paladinic type of person, she isn't going to whack someone and steal their house. That's just not nice.
So how do I use Enchant? I'm carrying about 17 soul gems, which I have found scattered about in crates and stuff. What is the relationship between soul gems and Enchant? I'm a bit lost with this skill - the others I worked out pretty quick, but this one is baffling me.
Oh, and I picked up some Moon Sugar waaaaay back in Seyda Neen (that cave with the slavers). Should I just sell it, or is it used for a quest or something?
Cheers all,
I'm wearing Boots of Escaping! I'm wearing Boots of Escaping!
You need to charge the gems by casting Soul Trap on a creature, then killing it before the spell wears off. You can get sould trap from the basement of the Mage's guild. Then you can either pay the elf in the Mage's guild to enchant things for you or do it yourself. I suggest you pay her until you train up enchant, or you will likely waste a lot of gems. The more powerful monster you kill and the more expensive the gem, the better the enchantment. Also the better the item you are enchanting, the better the enchantment. You can only enchant with spell types that you can cast. I don't know if you know any spells yet, but you can buy a spell just so that you can enchant with it. It doesn't matter if you are skilled enough to actually succeed at casting it. To try enchanting, click a sould gem that is charged. It will give you the option to recharge an enchanted item or create one, click create. It gives you the enchanting options from there.
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." Thomas Jefferson
If you want a nice place to stay that does not involve slaughtering people I highly recommend investigating house mods, since you are on PC. There are *many* different varieties, ranging from the small and cozy, to the sumptious and palatial.
Just off the cuff:
small/medium cozy dwellings:
* A Good Cottage (located along the river a short trot from Bamora)
* Abu's Retreat (very near Pelagiad and one of my favourites, it has a beautiful greenhouse, I think it needs the expansions though)
* Seyda Neen House (pleasant little place with an attractive garden, and an upstairs balcony that overlooks, you guessed it, beautiful, downtown Seyda Neen)
* Archmage Tower V.2 (another favourite, largely suited to mages though, right in Pelagiad)
*Ice's Hideaway (truly gorgeous work, but requires both expansions.. located underwater near Raven Rock on Solstheim, has teleport chamber)
*Abu's Manor (I think it needs the expansions, located in Ald Ruhn)
*Rain's Hand Hall (close to Ald Ruhn, beautiful work in places, though a little on the cavernous side)
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Spoiler
.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
the Great Hairy.. i would just want to ask one thing... Do you have Tribunal and Bloodmoon? Becuse most plugins require those expansions(Tribunal mostly) things..
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]@Wrath-Of-Egg
Yep, got both expansions. I bought the "Gold Pack" or whatever it is called, that included Tribunal and Bloodmoon.