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Book of the month club

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Book of the month club

Post by HiRo11er »

I've been wanting to post a thread like this for a while, but I've never gotten that far.
One of the things that impress me the most about Morrowind is the sheer number of books you can find. it just seems like a lot of work writing all those books when only a small precentage of gamers read even a few of the many books out there. Still, it's an impressive aspect of the game.

That's why I bring you the book of the month club! It could be fun to bring up some of the best books we've read, and see what other people think, as well. The only requirement is that you need to know the full title of a book before you start going off about it. The rest of us aren't going to find a copy of the book if you refer to it as "the story of that one guy that killed the other dude, and then got the big sword-thing". Full titles, please.

So anyway, I just read "The Black Arrow", parts 1 and 2. A story that really urges you onwards, and with a very cool ending that will make you sit & think for a few seconds. It's a book you can't put down until you've finished it! (granted it takes all of 5 minutes to read it, but that's ok) Recommended...
Also, I just finished reading "Palla", a story of a lost mage initiate that meets the love of his life. A bizarre twist (That I did -not- see coming) at the end of what is a pretty long book makes it a really good read. Quality.

Anybody else have any good books? It would be fun if this could be a thread where people discuss their favorites, and get tips from others on what to look for. There are so many books out there that no-one can read them all. Also, it's better to just read the best ones! :-)
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Post by Rookierookie »

"The Rear Guard", "A Dance in Fire", "The Real Barenziah" all come into mind.
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Nameless book..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by dragon wench »

I recently read A Surfeit of Thieves. It was excellent, and reminded me a great deal of something Edgar Allen Poe would have written. :cool:
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Post by HiRo11er »

I assume you mean "Unnamed Book", Egg? That's hands down the freakiest book in the game, and also one of my favorites. That's also close to the first book in the game I read, and with its details on how to slit someone's throat I was pretty surprised. Kids do play this game, and teaching them the best way to cut someone's throat so that they bleed out away from you is pretty graphic... Still, I thought it was interesting.

"Surfeit of Thieves", that's the one with Lady Tressed, right? lol Yeah I laughed at that one too. I have to say I'm impressed with the language skills of many of the authors, because many books are very well written. Who writes them? Is it the game developers, or hired authors, or do they rip off other, older stories? Interesting to find out...
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Post by Rookierookie »

The one in which therem were two people writing to one another concerning Azura's Star was good too. Very subtle and surprising.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

Book title?
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=HiRo11er]"Surfeit of Thieves", that's the one with Lady Tressed, right? lol Yeah I laughed at that one too. I have to say I'm impressed with the language skills of many of the authors, because many books are very well written. Who writes them? Is it the game developers, or hired authors, or do they rip off other, older stories? Interesting to find out...[/QUOTE]

lol yes, that would be the one :D Maybe I was a bit sleepy when I read the book, but I wasn't quite expecting that ending!
I agree, those books are really amazing. Many are incredibly well written, IMO they add a fantastic touch to the game, making it even more immersive than it already is.
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Post by HiRo11er »

"The Rear Guard", "A Dance in Fire", "The Real Barenziah" all come into mind.

The Rear Guard is a cute story. it reminds me of a bedtime story you'd tell your kids or something. Very nice.

I just read the Real Barenziah, and I must say that this book should be mandatory for everyone playing Morrowind. I've been sitting at work, reading it the last couple of days whenever I've had the time, and it's made my workdays go by faster. It's a looooong read, but since it's a good read that's just a bonus.
It should be mandatory reading, because it offers such an insight into the lives of Barenziah and the Septim family, in particular Uriel & Tiber. I can't wait to do Mournhold all over again with my newly-found knowledge! :)
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Post by oozae »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]The one in which therem were two people writing to one another concerning Azura's Star was good too. Very subtle and surprising.[/QUOTE]
Yes I really enjoyed them too, and the name of those books (although really letters) are charwiche-konninge vol1, vol2 etc. In total there are four volumes and there is only 1 copy of each volume they are quite hard to get, very rare indeed. To get one of the books you need to have your Telvanni stronghold, which I have of course coz' Telvanni's the coolest. Anyway back on topic, I thought the last book was very interesting where charwich writes as the dead auctioner, and then at the end it says this is charwich, right behind you so put your hands above your head and slowly turn around. :p

Revenge is sweet but not nourishing, I wonder how charwich will make a living now that Azura's Star is lost? :rolleyes:
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Post by Aqua-chan »

"The Locked Room" is one that stands out to me. I love happy endings. :)

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Post by oozae »

Oh yeah I forgot to mention :o you can read all books of morrowind and daggerfall at the Imperial Library formerly Xanathars Library.
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Post by oozae »

I just read the Real Barenziah, and I must say that this book should be mandatory for everyone playing Morrowind. I've been sitting at work, reading it the last couple of days whenever I've had the time, and it's made my workdays go by faster. It's a looooong read, but since it's a good read that's just a bonus.
It should be mandatory reading, because it offers such an insight into the lives of Barenziah and the Septim family, in particular Uriel & Tiber. I can't wait to do Mournhold all over again with my newly-found knowledge! :) [/QUOTE]
That was a long read? I didn't think it was that long. And the person who wrote the Real Barenziah (in the game that is, I don't know who wrote it in real life :p ) was Barenziah's young scribe, (this was years and years ago, the author is old now) Plitinius Mero, he made an embaressment of the septim family and the royal line of Mournhold. He was to be beheaded, but apparently Barenziah didn't care about the book and was even amused about it. She spread the word that her guards had killed him. Plitinius Mero to this day still works for Barenziah as her scribe, he's in the royal courtyard in mournhold if you want him.
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Post by dragon wench »

I just read Chance's Folly last night, lol!
That one could almost be called a "moral lesson," of sorts :p
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

I like Chances Folley, great book. I didn't read books until this thread. It is now a very very good thread, probably one of the most helpful, for me to increace the games boundries, since i cant use mods. (XBox :mad: )
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Post by HiRo11er »

I didn't read books until this thread. It is now a very very good thread, probably one of the most helpful, for me to increace the games boundries, since i cant use mods.

I agree; it seemed there was so little mention of any of the books in the game that they needed recognition. I'm also on the X, so I need as many gaming aspects as possible... :)

I thought Barenziah's book was long, but I did read it at work, with tons of interruptions. By far the longest book in the game that I've come across, and hands down the book that gives you the most insight on the characters, imho.

Now I've just got to find those letters. It 's a lot more satisfying to find a sought-after book in the game than simply rading it online. maybe there's something about reading in a dark tomb or a pirate's den. Athmosphere, y'know!
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Post by oozae »

Which letters are you talking about? Is it the Charwich-Konninge ones?
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