[QUOTE=fable]And Redoran is filled with corruption, murderers, assassins, etc. The main difference between the two is that Telvanni isn't rife with hypocrisy. Its people know what they want, and go for it. With Redoran, you have to listen to acres of noble speeches before they get around to expressing what they want, and going for it.
And what have you got against mushrooms, anyway?[/QUOTE]
Well i understant that House Redoran wont fit to Hack and Slash personalitys.. and you can roleplay so that things will change in your lead..
Well atleast House Redoran tries to do everyting somewhat legal.. unlike tow other great houses.. and Redoran will help its friends.. or those in need of help.. while hlaalu will just steal everything from them and telvanni uses too much moonsugar and dies..
Well my hate for mushrooms lead to my early childhood..

but still when i first saw those things and i understood what they were for.. i couldn't stop.. lough.. stupid English...