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The perfume of the future (spam on subject)

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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Shai Hulud]Amazing this seemed necessary to report but the age difference, location, and lifestyles did not.[/quote]

It's quite possible the original article had this, but the article quoting it did not.

We all know many a male have an aura of testosterone making the scent thing instinctive overload.

We all don't. ;) What we all "know" is that some males with a certain cast of features dress, groom and act in a manner considered "sexy" by the cultural standards of their time and place. That has nothing to do with the production and scent of testosterone, a chemical that isn't given off in the sweat glands.
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Shai Hulud
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Post by Shai Hulud »

@Magrus - actually it was a goof more in a dominatrix sense not the typical males follow females for...well you know the rest. :cool:

@fable - I apologize for the misinterpretation of the statement. This was a joke basically showing how the pheromone may have the ability to make a male more ravenous, figuratively of course, then they could be know. :eek:

The phrase was actually supposed to be taken connotatively, relating testosterone to males and denotatively relating the scent to the pheromone.

C: "Have you seen The Preacher?"
R: "I have seen a sandworm."
C: "What about that sandworm?"
R: "It give us the air we breathe."
C: "Then why do we destroy its land?"
R: "Because Shai-Hulud [sandworm deified] orders it."

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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=fable]Luis, I think it's part of developing one's personal integration that you're consciously aware of your subconscious triggers, and don't let them affect you.(....) The point was that she'd argued for a mechanistic approach in all situations. Had she said that it was modifiable by conscious intervention, she wouldn't have looked silly. Your mind/body interface is a powerful tool, if you know how to use it correctly.[/QUOTE]

Well, but you have to agree that you were expecting her to manipulate you in some manner, and that has not happened, for example, in a pub, or in somewhere you're not expecting to be manipulated. What I mean is that when you're, for example, walking on the street and you feel a good smell/ nice face/ nice legs your instinct will act and make you look, or desire. You have gone there expecting what she did, and you never agreed entirely with that.

What you are reporting sounds to me the same as those guys who make hipnotism on shows. They have to make the people agree with the "invasion", with the hipnose itself, or it wont work - so the woman should have told you exactly what she will do, and ask you if you agree with what whe would do. (you may notice: its a good pattern many experienced show people do when they call someone on the audience.)

Anyway, it must have been fun, I laughed a lot when I first read this :D . She probabily looked at you and thougth "lets make him look silly" but every thing you wish (good or bad) returns to you, and it returned to her so quickly :D
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