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Error with TuTu pack and Throne of Bhaal

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Error with TuTu pack and Throne of Bhaal

Post by David Coath »

Dear BG Forum

We have just loaded the BG1 TUTU pack to go through to Baldurs Gate the Original Saga and all was going well in the outskirts of CandleKeep.

A problem occured that dropped the game out, we loaded a couple of times but it kept happening.

So we loaded the current BG2 Throne of Bhaal game we had on the same pair of computers and this would not even load.

It appears we have some kind of system conflict, should we have got rid of any old save games before starting off a new Baldurs Gate game?

Any suggetions to what we can do to fix this. Our preference would be to get a stable Baldurs Gate so we can start the whole adventure over again with the TUTU despite our investment in our BG2 game.

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Post by fable »

Although the designers Tutu visit these forums, I suggest your best solution would come from contacting them directly--either by email, or by visiting their own forums.

That said, perhaps somebody here has suggestions to make for solving this problem.
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Post by Andyr »

The Tutu forums are over at

Crashes like that at random points are normally because of a corrupted file on the user's original install, especially if they keep recurring at the same place... Copying the files manually across from the BG1 CDs might help, or getting someone to send them to you.

Are you saying that ToB saved games won't work while Tutu is installed? You should make a second BG2 install for it... If this is what you have done, though, then I am at a loss why saved games fail. I run Tutu and ToB on separate installs on the same machine, and it works fine. :)
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Post by David Coath »


Dear Fable and Andyr

Thanks for steeering us towards some assistance. We will post at the pocket plane forum and see how it goes.

I am not greatly skilled with such system issues but have got good help at hand

Alex and I agree that the goal of getting an intergrated BG 1 and 2 is well worth the effort

All the best

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Post by Andyr »

Good luck. :) The Tutu forums get a lot of traffic, so even if I can't work it out one of the other guys who worked on Tutu in some way is likely to see and know what to do.
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Post by David Coath »


Dear Andyr

We posted at Pocket Plane a couple of days ago but have not received any responces yet.

I have a friend coming over Monday to attack the problem so we will see what resources we have by then.


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Post by Andyr »

I'll go through the forums and see if I can find the post later this evening, then. Good luck. :)
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Post by fable »

Thanks for the quickness and the courtesy of your response to him, Andyr. :)
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Post by David Coath »

Still got the problem

Dear Andyr and Fable

Today I had my systems guy from work come over and we loaded up everything including new Baldurs Gate 1 load from fresh discs and then re did the Tutu.

Frustratingly the problem has re occured at exactly the same place that is when exiting , from any direction from the area east of Candlekeep.

Everything looked great when the guy left and I rolled up a new character and Alex got straight into it as soon as he came home from school.

I can only believe that the systems guy from work , Tom, is not following the procedure correctly.

I am out of resources. Is there anybody you know of in Australia, or indeed Melbourne who you can recommend to help me with the installation.

This is a remote possibility so is there another alternative such as a disk which would install the change and get me going.

I will post the same on Pocket Plane as well and see if they are aware of somebody who can assist in a hands on way.

Tutu is such a special prize as I know it will give us hundreds of hours of enjoyable gaming so I am prepared to go to considerable lengths and expence to get it going.


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Post by Andyr »

Oh, hmm. That sounds like there is a corrupted file on your BG1 CD itself, then.

Can you CLUA Console into any of the surrounding areas? If there's just one you can't get to it would suggest a problem with that area, but if you can CLUA to any of them ok it suggests a problem with the east-of-Candlekeep area. Or perhaps one of the random encounter areas.
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Post by David Coath »

Problem with Tutu

Dear Andyr

Well we have had another go at this and still get the drop out on any movement from the area below the Friendly Arm inn. We have tried exiting in each direction but the game always crashes. Interestingly the crash is delayed if you are waylaid by enemies. However the game crashes when you exit the screen after being waylaid.

My friend Tom has posted on the Pocket Plane site as well and we have been reading old threads with similar issues.

I am going to give it another go as I think the prize is worth the effort.

Your advice about the incomplete BG 1 install is interesting . I went out and got a new copy of BG 1 for the last time I installed and so I would not expect this to be a problem. Also we started a game in BG 1 and it ran fine.

This time when I install I think I will not install TOB at all. Last time we did an install in a seperate directory but the opening screen still came up with a first screen similar to the Shadows of Arm - Throne of Bhaal first screen but entitled it Baldurs Gate - Throne of Bhaal.

I will try a fresh start but if I get the same problem I will have to escalate the problem and get in somebody who really understands this Tutu process. This game is great and is worth of considerable expence to get it set up right with the correct package of mods. I would welcome your thoughts on a suitable applicant for the position and estimate that there is at least a couple of days worth of work specifing and setting up and testing. If you do not know somebody in Australia then perhaps I will have to fund an airline ticket from the US to get this all going.

Thanks for your help todate and I will keep you and Fable aware of how the new install goes.


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Post by Andyr »

If it's still crashing after a new CD then that is unusual, hmm...

If you get the same message after your latest try, could you try the following: CLUA console to one of the areas you would be entering after the Friendly Arm (e.g. the areas immediately North/East/West). If you get crashes, post the error message (e.g. "an assertion failed in blah") if you can.

If you don't know how to use CLUAConsole or what the area codes are, let me know, and I'll try and dig them out. Note Tutu uses FW as the prefix instead of AR as in BG1. :)
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Post by David Coath »


Dear Andyr and Fable and the BG Forum Team

As I posted on the Pocket Plane site my systems guy Tom has, using your advice and tools , banished our problems with Tutu and allowed Alex and I can now have the joy of doing the total Baldurs Gate adventure through from start to finish .

The delays to starting the adventure have only heightened our excitment to get started. We quickly created a test dummy to see if we could get to the Friendly Arm Inn and this was a complete success. Now we have created our heroic Paladin "Alexander the Great " and we are off to get Imoen, Jaheria , Khahlid, Kiven and ofcourse Minsc and Boo so we can start the great adventure.

Thanks again for all you help.

David and Alex
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Post by Andyr »

Enjoy the game! :)
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