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A request for a spoiler, please...

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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A request for a spoiler, please...

Post by The7thStooge »

Hey everyone, first time poster here. I bought Morrowind last week and absolutely love it.

Here's my question: the general Larrius Varro at Fort Moonmoth told me a little story about some agents of the Camonna Tong who are bribing a magistrate, and said that he would like to see the story end in a "bloodbath."

Now, (Possible spoilers here?)...
I went to the Thieves' Guild in Balmorra and asked about these Camonna Tong agents (there are five of them), and they identified exactly who they were. So I go to the Council Club in Balmorra, where all five of them are, and here is where I run into the problem.

I get the impression that Varro wants me to eliminate them. However, when I go to kill them, it says that I have committed a crime. Furthermore, since I killed all five of them, when I spoke to a guard, he gave me no option for paying the bounty but said I was sentenced to death. Thus, I reloaded the game and tried to taunt them into attacking me, but that isn't working, and now I have some Camonna agents who will not talk to me (my "friendliness" score with them is a zero) and yet will not attack me. Going back to Varro with the names of these five agents didn't seem to work, either, unless I didn't hit the right option on the dialogue window.

How exactly am I supposed to finish this mission? Am I supposed to kill them, and if so how do I do so without it being a crime? If I kill them and report to Varro, will I be attacked by him or will he call off the bounty on my head? Or am I supposed to talk to someone else?

As I said, it's a great game. Sometimes it takes a little brainpower, which I sometimes am lacking :D , but that is a good thing. Any help would be appreciated, but take your time in answering; I have other quests that I can do.

Just in case it matters, I am playing a Redguard Knight, level 10.

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Post by Aqua-chan »

Some slight spoilers/tactics. :)

Well, by just flat out attacking them you are commiting murder, Knight. :D Tuanting really doesn't work until you get your speechcraft skill way up. ;)

The way that I did this goes like so: Larrius is the only guard who doesn't pick up on your murder bounty. If you can go to the Balmora Tribunal Temple and buy both Mark and Recall spells from the priestesses on the lower levels (Or find enchanted amulets/items that have such abilities) you can place a Mark spell next to Varro, go murder the Comonna Tong members, and Recall yourself back to him. This will get you past all the guards without the mess. :)
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Another method, if you've either completed the theives guild quest "key to Nerano manor" or ar not in the theives guild at all, you can go kill Ondres Nerano (which is efficient, because he won't report your crime), then go talk to his patron in the council club (the one in extravagant clothes). Each time you speak with him, he'll lose 10 disposition, and when it reaches zero, he and all the patrons in the club (except the barkeep) will attack and since THEY attacked you, you don't get charged for it. My favorite part is when this huge-arse brawl is all over, the barkeep says either "our doors are always open" :D or "Tell your friends about this place" :rolleyes: :D
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Post by The7thStooge »

Hmm. I will give both methods a shot when I go back to Balmorra.

One question for Aqua-chan: If I go about it your way, will Balmorra be off-limits for me from that moment on, or will Larrius cancel the hunt for me?

Q- "There are three men in a room with three beds, but only two blankets. How do they keep warm?"

A- "They turn on the heat."
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Post by The Great Hairy »

If they attack you, then no problems with the guards - they committed the crime, you did not. And since they are dead, and you're still standing, then they were the fools. :cool:

The other ways to handle this quest are:

a) wait until your Speechcraft is high enough to Taunt the Camonna Tong into attacking you,
b) use the spell which causes humaniods to go berserk (the name escapes me) and they will attack you
c) get Invisibility or Charmeleon potions/items, kill the Tong and use the potions/items to get back to Varro
d) get your Sneak skill up high enough to sneak back to Varro
e) Use a Fortify Personality or Bug Musk potion, improve your Personality and try the Taunt then.

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Post by Aqua-chan »


One question for Aqua-chan: If I go about it your way, will Balmorra be off-limits for me from that moment on, or will Larrius cancel the hunt for me?[/QUOTE]

Larrius will take the bounty off your head once you report back to him. You just have to avoid the other guards until then. :)
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Post by jopperm2 »

Varro is one of the few people in the game that can remove the death warrant. He can only do it once and will only do it after you have performed this quest. I think this feature is better than his reward so when I am powergaming I wait to do the quest until after I have accidentally received a death warrant. I then sneak into town and do the quest. He's actually not to hard to get to if you have fast fingers. Divine interventionand then immediately take an invisibility potion. Then go through the door and take another. Walk to him and talk to him. Complete. :cool:
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