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Morrowind / Corpus Disease / Tel Fyr !!!

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Morrowind / Corpus Disease / Tel Fyr !!!

Post by Pierre »

i everyone....
My story.... one of my friend convinced to play with Morrowind because I needed a long game !!!....
I started to play 2 months ago.... and and now my level is 60 ! most of my skills are above 100... I have a lot of money and crazy weapons found everywhere !!! everything is ok no ??
and my answer is no !! why....
Because I judged that my character was strong enough to start following the story of Morrowind and to start doing Caius Cosades' s quests !!
I killed Dagoth gares.... and of course I got sick with corpus disease !!.... I try many things (short blades, long blades, fire balls etc...) in order not to contract this disease....and the result was the same !!! corpus disease...
I went back to see caius... and he asked me to cure my corpus disease !... of course !!! and to go to Tel Fyr for that !!!...
When I got there... I realized that I had already been there !!!! and I killed some people in the corpusarium.... Then Divath fyr told me that I was a bad guy... blablabla !!!....... and now he does not want to talk to me anymore !...
so my questions are....
1-is there a way to do caius' quest (kill dagoth gares) without getting sick ?
2-is there another way to get cured ? a spell or someone in the game ??
3-do I have to be cured to finish the game ?... because I have already restore all my skills with spells....
4- is it a bug of the game (xbox version) ?... because usually it tells you when you are not able to finish the game......I still have hopes !!!!
Please....Please !! could you help me !!! because I am not going to have the patience to restart a new game (eventhough I realy like this game) !....and I do not have a saving game before I did that !!!!..........
Anyways... if you can do something for me...
Thanks !!
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Post by oozae »

You're stuffed my friend, and you do need to cure yourself to finish the game.
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Post by dragon wench »

Do a search on Divath Fyr, I know other people have posted on this subject, and from what I recall he can sometimes be charmed with Telvanni Bugmusk and magic (can't remember the spell exactly). If you killed the last living dwarf down there, however, you are definitely sunk...
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Post by Ares2382 »

Yeah like Dragon said. You can increase your Personality attribute or use Charm spell to make him like you. High speechcraft skill might help as well, just admire him untill his desposition to you is high.
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Pay him a *lot* of money. Like, tens of thousands, and he will be nice again. But it does sound like you are stuffed, and need to <gasp> start again. <cringe>

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Post by oozae »

You can't because it says goodbye when you speak to him and you can't choose any other button, and if you can do that (which I doubt) than why didn't you guys tell me?
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Post by FweL »

Well.. there is bug it might be fixxed i haven't played in while but if you take allyour clothes away so you are 100% naked that ''Goodbye'' thing might disapear. But i say that it is highly unlikely.

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Post by Pierre »


Thank you guys for your replies....
I have a mask that increase my personality (150, I think) + the musk.....
and he still does not want to talk to me !!
There is always "goodbye".... and that is all !!!!!!!! snif snif !!
lol I tried to kill him and lol I got the message " blabla consequences of your acts..... reload a old game or stay in the world that you have created".....
so it is not a good solution !!! lolllll
what I do not understand is that the game did not warm me that I won't be able to finish the game.... I still have hopes !!!! maybe there is a hidden solution somewhere ???
are you 100 % sure that I have to get cured before continuing the game....?? because I have all the spells to restore everything so the corpus disease does not have any impact on me !!! I am normal !!!!!!! please god of morrowind let me play until the end !!! please please !!!! :) :) :)
I will try to get naked in front of machin fyr !!
thanks anyways....
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Post by FweL »

Well.. you can contine playing by killing Vivec. But still you will have corprus.

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Post by dragon wench »

Have you tried using some kind of charm spell on him? You don't need to speak to an NPC before casting magic on them.
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Post by Godslayer »

Yeah, just make a Charm spell with 100-100 and make it last long enough for you to talk to him. I do believe that will fix your problem.
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Post by mewp »

tel Fyr

I just want to know how did you get up the tower? I have tried from both the inside and the out and can't find this guy.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

He is in the inside, but you have to levitate to get him, I forget what room he is in and where he is in the tower. Sorry :(
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Post by Greg. »

If you are on pc you may be able to spawn the potion and be cured - look in the editor. If not - you may be stuffed.

I had done the blackmail guy with dwarf coherer in pelagiad, then the take the message to Diviath Fyr telvanni mission, with the coherer. When I spoke to caius, he told me to go to tel fyr to get coprus cured.
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Post by oozae »

[QUOTE=FweL]Well.. you can contine playing by killing Vivec. But still you will have corprus.[/QUOTE]Why is it that you can continue to play if you kill Sir. Vivec?
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