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I'm in a little bit of a "sticky wicket" or something like that

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I'm in a little bit of a "sticky wicket" or something like that

Post by RebelousDarkElf »

I made a new game as an Imperial knight and joined House Redoran. This one mission where somebody gets stuck in an ash storm is driving me crazy. I cant find the Tomb where he is hiding. Another thing is that Darius sent me on a Talos Culd quest, just a run of the mill quest and I did it. When I report to him he advances me and gives me the same exact quest. I try to get that note again, but it is not there. I've went to the Fort near Balmora to do more missions. I go to find scrap metal and the whole Dwemer Place is cleaned out of all Centurans. I'm about to kill the Centuran in Gnisis in the mansion place, but i went to you guys first.


Question 1- Where to find the Tomb?
Question 2- Can I fix Darius, and how?
Question 3- Where are all of the Centurans?
Question 4- Has this happend to anyone else?
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Post by Athena »

I have some answers

The answer to the first question is: Near the Rothan Tomb just west and a little north of MaarGan hidden in mountains.
The answer to the second is: You have completed all of Darius' quests.
I am unsure of the answers to your third and fourth questions. :rolleyes:
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Post by dragonfang22 »

i was stuck on the redoran thing to! i cant fint him anywhere
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Post by FweL »

When you leave town of Maar Gan go west(following road) until you hit mountain. Then go north, yes there is wall of stones but that tomb is on other side of that.

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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

Oh, thats where it is, I always thought it was on the road, to the right.
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Post by Athena »

the tomb is...

Leave Maar Gan through the west gate (close to the silt strider). You'll be
heading straight west. As soon as the road starts heading *slightly* away from west, leave the road and walk on the hilly area on your right. You'll soon see the Rothan Tomb ahead of you. You can't see the tomb from the main road and there are no paths leading from the main road to it. You should only past one signpost on the way. If you've reached the second one, you've gone too far. :rolleyes:
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

I found the tomb and now rescuing a hostage to get sponsored. This is a very exciting quest. You can get some nice dwemer armor, too.
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