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I am DISGUSTED with this game

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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White Out
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I am DISGUSTED with this game

Post by White Out »

Okay, what the hell?


-Um so ya...WHAT ABOUT THE HK 50'S?!? What happened to this mass factory that was spoken of?
-What happened to side quests for players like the 1st game? Mission side quest, etc.
-What happened to giving us an ending that shows us the difference between light and good? The story branches between the two SECONDS BEFORE THE GAME ENDS. What in bloody hell is up with that?
-What happens with the droids?!?! They just leave it TOTALLY un solved
-WHAT HAPPENS TO ANYONE!?! Im laughing as I type this because it's so utterly asinine to have to ask that kind of question after beating a game that takes so many hours to FINISH
-What happened to developing BAD GUYS?!!? Darth Nihlius could have been the sweetest Dark Jedi ever, he was amazingly cool. Luckily for us he was in ONE cut scene. Next time you meet him, he dies. Great.
-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO REVAN? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We played thru a combined 100 hours for both games (for a lot of people who played it light and dark in both games) and all that we DONT know what happens to Revan?

I wish I could UN-play this game. As far as Im concered, KOTOR ends with the 1st game. You either save the republic or you rule as sith lord. End of story. This game basically took a big steaming crap on this games legacy. DISGUSTING.
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Post by Exil »

Yeah i felt the same way...and have you thought about this y didnt your character die when Kreia died........

They shipped the game when it wasnt ready we were gangbanged by Obsedian. Lots of stuff not revealed because they were running out of money.
So not much to do but kotor III will have a different Game engine and be totally new.
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Post by Cesium137 »

Well, actually, while I totally agree with the both of you (reading what I´ve been writing in the thread 'What do you want in KOTOR III reveals that), it strikes me that it might not be money that stopped the further development of this game. I think this is about a deadline, set at a higher level, higher than Obsidian, higher even than LucasArts. Why? Well, I´d say it would be bad market planning to delay the release of a game like KOTOR 2 when the movie AND the game "Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" are about to be released in mid may.....any delays and post-poning of release date for a game like KOTOR2 would then mean a greater risk of competition between the two games...instead of releasing KOTOR2 in time, make enough money out of it, and when people are through with that game, then "Episode III - Rev.." is done for display/publishing. More money.
So, I belive it might not was because lack of money as much as the greed to make MORE money.
Now I actually feel quite intrigued to post this at LucasArts forums too.. :cool:
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Post by Exil »

Making a Starwars RPG is like money in the bank it will in no way compete with anything else crappy lucas arts makes like these stupid jedi oukast that have quake 1 engine and look real crappy. The only thing good with their Star War games is Kotor.
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Post by Darth Coran »

Blame Lucasarts,they ordered Obsidian to finish by Christmas,and Lucasarts takes orders from Lucasfilms a.k.a the geniuses who thought putting Jar-Jar Binks into anything at all was a good idea.
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Post by Exil »

Like most movies you see nowadays theres always a black high pitched sidekick eg Chris Tucker <snip>

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Post by CopperWater »

I was realy was mad at this game. I wasted all this time playing the game to basicly just sit there and be confused. I would have rather waited another year and play the Real game.

PS: I am an american and I HATE chris tucker! :p
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Post by Jon_Irenicus »

Try finishing the game with the light side and get Kreia to talk after you defeat her in the end. She reveals information about your companions and kinda reveals what happened to Revan. If you don't want to bother with it, read ahead.

(I'm going to refer to Revan as he from now on)

Apparently, Revan left all his companions behind to fight off the true Sith in the deepest reaches of the galaxy. He found about the true Sith somehow (Kreia doesn't mention how, but I assume it is related to the dark forge you find in KOTOR1) and saw that the only way to save the galaxy was go out there and meet this unseen force.

Notice that the game does not acknowledge Revan as a completely ruthless general trying to conquer the galaxy. If you get Disciple, GO-TO, HK-47 and some other people to talk, you'll find out that Revan was trying to unite the known galaxy against some foe. Revan always tried to leave the infrastructure of the planets he attacked intact, as if he had a plan to use them in the future (which was true, if he decided using the dark forge was feeding the true Sith more power, he needed planets capable of production).

Also, Revan tried to convert the Jedi (not turn them into Sith). He was trying to get Jedi on his side, but he probably was not asking them to bathe in the dark side of the force. He was probably converting the Jedi to let go of their limiting Jedi code and use whatever power they had (because, they would need it if they were to fight the true Sith). Unfortunately, even Darth Malak misinterpreted Revan's intentions and became the lame blood hungry general you get to defeat in KOTOR1.

Eventually, after the incidents of KOTOR1, Revan decided he couldn't take anyone with him to fight the true Sith (probably after seeing Darth Malak, his closest padawan, mess up so bad made him realise anyone not powerful enough to face the true Sith would cause more problems than they helped) so he went off alone. He did leave clues of his whereabouts thuogh, presumably somewhere in Korriban. Kreia also knows his intentions, and probably T3 and HK-47 have some knowledge buried deep within their memories.

That's all I can gather from the second game for now...
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Post by Admo »

Personally I think he trusted T3-M4 and perhaps also HK-47 to get him out there and come back, keeping the exact location they'd been to a secret. Maybe Kreia was in on it also, they should've developed the relationship between Revan and Kreia. Perhaps thats the beginning of KotOR II - the Ebon Hawk returning to known space. HK-47 was obviously damaged but that cut-scene with T3-M4 tells you that the Ebon Hawk has been somewhere that shouldn't be let on.

EDIT: Perhaps if their relationship is deeper than is revealed, then Revan and her set up the Korriban Tomb as a test for any Jedi looking to follow him, a last final check to make sure they are ready to go after him?
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Post by Cesium137 »

It is actually referred to by HK-47 too, when he looks into the nav-computer and talks with T3-M4 about it...the part where he´s mentioning that the nav-computer is voice-locked.
I´m beginning to fear that this was supposed to be a MUCH larger game from the beginning....or even worse, that they are planing build-on modules.. :mad:
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Post by Admo »

I'm wondering if its just pointing to KotOR III. Thats the cut-scene I was referring to with T3 and HK. I don't think they could possibly have planned for you to go after Revan and all that in this game - it would probably double the game length at least, no way were they ever going to achieve that.
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Post by Jon_Irenicus »

Not after Revan probably, but maybe you could re-visit the star forge, or maybe this was tied to the HK-50 factory somehow. Extremely annoying how you have these little clips of characters interacting about things that will never be resolved in the game (insult to injury or whatever)
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Post by CMATYS5 »

So True

[QUOTE=White Out]Okay, what the hell?


\-WHAT HAPPENS TO ANYONE!?! Im laughing as I type this because it's so utterly asinine to have to ask that kind of question after beating a game that takes so many hours to FINISH

I wish I could UN-play this game. As far as Im concered, KOTOR ends with the 1st game. You either save the republic or you rule as sith lord. End of story. DISGUSTING.[/QUOTE]

I'm still laughing at that "UN-play" comment. Ahhhh, totally how I felt. I was so excited for this game to come out and was so disappointed with how it ended. I was stunned more than anything, staring at the creidts, looking around to like point to the screen and say, "Do you believe this?? That's it??" Unfortunately just the dog (named Revan) was around and she didn't care.
The whole Revan thing was so frustrating. I was looking forward the whole game to know what role Revan was playing. And I am sure this sounds like a girly excuse :rolleyes: , but Revan was a light side guy who fell for Bastila (and saved her) when I played KOTOR I and so I was upset that he just left her behind. Guess I wanted the love story to go on. Why couldn't Bastila help him out there? And really, what good was he doing if all this crap was still going on in the galaxy he saved and the Jedi were being wiped out? And, yes, I did wonder, with all of the big to-do made about the hero's connection with Kreia, why all of a sudden there was no problem with her dying and him feeling no pain in regards to that. And overall, the character interactions were also so much weaker. A decent game, just nothing solid like the first one to make me even play it again. Last time I didn't want to stop playing and went through it twice back to back.
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Post by Struttdaddy »

I dont know why people get so bent out of shape over the ending. Sure things are left unanswered....and I agree there were a couple things that needed immediate closer (HK-50 droid factory for example)....but you have to realize that almost every 2nd act in a trilogy leaves you wanting more... Remember the ending of Empire Strikes Back? When that movie was over I was like? There WILL be a Kotor 3 that will help us answer all the questions.
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Post by Killer Ewok »

you are DAMN RIGHT!!!! i havent even completed the game and it was a total waste of my money... the first game had a better plot turn (finding out youre revan) than this, if there even WAS a plot twist!! they dont have any background info on anyone at all, except some characters, and others are just totally random (mandalore, atton). i mean seriously they could at least just admit its not completed and postpone until it is! the side quests would have been awesome in this, i can just tell, but NOOOO they had to ship it early! they had to not finish it! they had to waste my 80 bucks!! :mad:
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Post by Lexander »

The ending was like "wahhhhhhhhh?" for me too.

Oh well I still enjoyed the game ... but seriously ... so many many unanswered questions built up to nothing. Even right before the game ends there is some diologue and movie cutscenes introduced that deserved some ending they didn't get.
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Post by fable »

I think it's better in many ways than KotoR. But you're right: the game was rushed to release, and many things feel unfinished.
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Post by CMATYS5 »

You are right that the middle of a trilogy usually leaves you with questions and it's not that I HATED the game, but Empire Strikes Back, it was not. No big revelation or cliffhangar, just a here ya go, congrats on the game, all summed up in about 2 minutes by Kreia. (Jolee Bindo rambled aimlessly sometimes, but at least he was funny - and you could use the line "I hate you old man" without getting darkside points. Kreia was downright annoying!) I think I just built it up too much after enjoying KOTOR I sooooo much.

But hey, here's looking forward to III. :D
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Post by Struttdaddy »

You are right that the middle of a trilogy usually leaves you with questions and it's not that I HATED the game, but Empire Strikes Back, it was not. No big revelation or cliffhangar, just a here ya go, congrats on the game, all summed up in about 2 minutes by Kreia. (Jolee Bindo rambled aimlessly sometimes, but at least he was funny - and you could use the line "I hate you old man" without getting darkside points. Kreia was downright annoying!) I think I just built it up too much after enjoying KOTOR I sooooo much.

But hey, here's looking forward to III. :D [/QUOTE]
yea, you're right.....comparing it to an epic like Empire probably wasnt the best analogy ;)
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Post by Struttdaddy »

[QUOTE=Killer Ewok]they had to waste my 80 bucks!! :mad: [/QUOTE]

$80 bucks?! you got ripped off my friend
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