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Zarustha and the Third Trial

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Zarustha and the Third Trial

Post by The Great Hairy »

Gidday all,

First let me apologise for the recent lack of posting - I usually post from work, and the current contract is just too busy to allow web browsing! So I'll be a little slower with my posting over the next few months.

Anyway, since the last installment of Zar's travels quite a bit has happened. Zar has crossed the Isle of Vvardenfell from east to west, north to south and done a fair bit of spelunking as well. Many a dangerous foe has fallen to her axe or spear, and many new friends have been made.

To begin with, Zar obtained several quests from the Temple - now, these quests made Zar very happy. She traveled to Tel Mora and cured a commoner of Swamp Fever, she travelled to Maelkashishi and cured an enemy of Blight (although the potion got consumed in this quest). She convinced a poor, nearly insane, man that he wasn't the Nevarine and she made the pilgrimage to Mount Kand. All in all, she was quite happy to do these quests, and spread compassion to the people of Morrowind.

Mixed in with these quests, she brought a known murderer, Nerer Beneran, to justice (well, she told him to surrender. It wasn't her fault he refused, and attacked her.). She saved Suran from bandits, and then delivered a whole bunch of flin to the Elith-Pal Mine. This last quest, delivering the flin, was rather strange - delivering a bunch of alcohol to miners? Isn't that an occupational safety hazard? ;) Regardless, finding the mine took a while, and Zar had to hunt all over the south-eastern ash slopes.

Once that was done, she returned to Percius, who, in his next sentence, confirmed her worst fears. The Camonna Tong, that foul and degenerate bunch of slavers, was poised to take control of the Fighter's Guild. Percius said that the only way to stop the Camonna Tong was to kill their strongest supporters within the Guild - Eydis Fire Eye and Lorbumol gro-Aglakh. This troubled Zar greatly, and she accepted the task with trepidation.

In a quandry to her course of action, Zar went wandering around Vvadenfall. She met Ashlanders, bandits ("You! Give us your gol-aarrrrghhh!"), monsters and merchants. She helped a merchant who had been mugged by Ashlander bandits - and a second merchant who also had been mugged, but he'd taken hides from the Ashlander herds. She found a shipwreck full of pillows, and returned them to Drarayne Thelas in Balmora (mmm, Extra Comfy!). She found the White Guar, and retrieved a swimmer's pants which had been stolen for a joke.

She solved the riddle of the Gateway haunting, and then had a long chat with Skink-in-Tree's-Shade. Finding the Argonian mage to be very personable and quite friendly, Zar spent several days in his company (no, not like that, you dirty minded bunch), talking about her future, her time in Morrowind, and what she planned to do in general. She completed some tasks for Skinky, and is currently looking for an Ash Ghoul to capture in a soul gem - pity she used all of the ones she already had captured!

Eventually Zar, wanting to know more about this whole Nevarine stuff, wandered back to the Urshilaku Camp. There, she was told that she would have to investigate Kogoruhn before the Ashlanders would tell her of the Third Trial. Checking her weapons and armour, she headed off with a sigh. Why are they setting these tasks? Why can't these enigmatic Ashlanders just answer a simple question with a simple answer?

Kogoruhn was another Sixth House lair. Zar gritted her teeth as Ash Ghouls, Ascended Sleepers and Dreamers came at her in waves. The Dagothi, with their powerful spells, were the worst - Zar nearly died when one managed to paralyse her whilst she was fighting two Dreamers. She's still having nightmares about that incident.

After several hard fights, she managed to locate the three items required by the Urshilaku. Returning to the Camp, Sul-Matuul congratulated her, and gave her a riddle. A riddle?? Zar angrily stalked off. Another twisty-turny answer! Can't these people talk straight??

She travelled to Sadrith Mora and spent some time moping about, until Hrundi gave her a swift kick to the rear, and sent her off to chase up a Corprus Stalker in Tel Mora, and a bandit in Vos. Whilst in Tel Mora, she bought some Grandmaster alchemical gear, which made her happy. :) She tracked down Rels Tenim, and brought him to justice (well, a spear-point to the belly is pretty justified in his case...). Then she delivered some Sujamma the Dunirai Caverns (these miners can *drink*!) and escorted Sondaale through another Sixth House base - again, several tough fights in Telasero.

The riddle given to her by Sul-Matuul is rattling about in her head, and keeping her awake at night. She realises that she is going to have to head back to the Urshilaku camp to find out more about this... Why can't they give a straight answer, damnit all?

So, Zar is currently 34th level. She's got WIL to 99, AGL to 85 and SPE to 84. LUC is 50. Heavy Armour 97, Speechcraft 88, Enchant 68 (all those soul gems...), Mysticism 71, Spear 77, Alchemy 84. Most skills are 30+ now, the only skill below 30 is Medium Armour at 28. Next she's off to (reluctantly) embrace her destiny!

Cheers all,
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Post by Darth Potato »

did u do that all in one day?
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Post by oozae »

[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]She found a shipwreck full of pillows, and returned them to Drarayne Thelas in Balmora (mmm, Extra Comfy!).[/QUOTE]What the, I spoke with her before about that but she never said anything, I even waved the invoice right in front of her face.
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Post by dah_man_ben »


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Post by Darth Potato »

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mmmm........honey mustard.

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Post by oozae »

Glad to meet you.
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Post by dragon wench »

Reading your accounts of Zar's progress reminds me a little of an online Morrowind journal I've read; it's very good, and worth checking out :)
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

The way you put the story is magnificent. When I say anything it is like, "My character is having some trouble finding a Tomb, can you guys help". You made a whole story out of the game. If you put the stories together, it would look like a book I would read.
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Thanks for the comments, everyone! :)

@Darth Potato
No, several days. A little much for one day mate! :)

Thanks very much. :cool:

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Post by Darth Potato »

Yeah i thought so.
it would be pretty hard to do that in a day.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

No problem, it is only the truth. :D
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Post by Raumoheru »

sorry to say, but this acount is a little too breif and not as detailed as the rest :(

ive enjoyed reading them tho
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Post by The Great Hairy »

[QUOTE=Raumoheru]sorry to say, but this acount is a little too breif and not as detailed as the rest :(

ive enjoyed reading them tho[/QUOTE]

Sorry about that! As I said, I post from work, so when I get busy I can't post. Yesterday and today look to be a little quiet (waiting for documentation to arrive) so I might be able to post some. I'll make the next post more detailed. :)

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Post by HiRo11er »

Reading your accounts of Zar's progress reminds me a little of an online Morrowind journal I've read; it's very good, and worth checking out

Aaaww, that was just too cute... The story of Arwen Evenstar and her desperate attempts at killing her first mudcrab is a classic. My male wood elf just wants to take her under his wing and tell her that it will all be all right... :D
Very innocent-esque. "Ooh, why is that mean-looking man running towards me? And what's that long shiny sharp-looking thing he's pointing at me? Ow, he killed me!" ;)
Best way to learn is through experience, I guess... :)
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Post by jopperm2 »

I really liked Arwen's journal back when I first read it. It has a great personal story too.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

@DW Thats a good book! :cool:
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