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So, you're a farmer? A post farmer? I see.

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Post by Tower_Master »

Wow. Talk about a deep thread.

Well, in defense of all the new people (among whome I'm quite easily numbered), it's really easy to arive at SYM, look at your post count of, say, 25, and then see the older veterans who rank in the thousands and several thousands (and that's not even mentioning the likes of Aegis and Fable! :eek: ), and assume there's some direct correlation between the number of posts one has and the recognition and acceptance that is being striven for. And, in a way, it contains a grain of truth - I mean, you DO have to post to be recognized, right? You can't become "known" without saying SOMETHING. I always thought it was fun to go back to your last post in Word Association and look forward to your current one, to see just how the heck you had ended up where you were! :)

Ultimately, though, I've (only in the past month or so) realized that SYM is unique among internet forums in that it's not the NUMBER of posts that constitutes your standings here, it's the STYLE and message of the posts. Then again, I'm not very bright, so most people probably pick up on that faster then I did! :eek: ;) :D

Luis said something really interesting in the "Terminator" thread the other day, about removing the post count, and I wonder if that wouldn't be a bad idea. But, then again, it DOES sort of let you recognize just how long certain members of the bored have been here. Is it a necessary evil, then? (kind of like Fas? ;) ) ?

edit: Oh dear me...I was re-reading this, and I realized I may have just posted something semi-serious...the horror, the unspeakable horror. What shall I do? Where are the pills purple when they are needed? :eek: *cries*
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Post by oozae »

[QUOTE=Grimar]must agree on that point... but the three word game thread is enjoyable! :p [/QUOTE]Why is it that people always seem to discuss my sex life? :eek: ;) :p :D :mad:
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Post by Xandax »

Postfarming is bad, mm'kay?
Postcount means nothing, mm'kay?

Seriously though.
On this board postcount means nothing and it is by no means an indicator of how "seriously" or respected a person is. It was not until I became a moderator that my postcount "increased" dramatically, but one (albeit a small) of the reason I did became a moderator was that I was respect irrigardless of my "lowish" postcount. People would also notice that I rarely participate in many of the chit-chat threads for a prolonged periode of time.

If anything a high postcount can count against how a person is "viewed" by the generel population, if they spam their way into a high postcount.

Thus, as a preemptive (well - afteremptive) strike - I've also closed 2 of the 3 postfarming threads that lived, because 1 of these threads are *more* then enough on a board which dosen't really permit such posting as is done in neither Word Asscociation or This-That.
The 10letter (I think) limit on posts should also indicate this to people.

What Buck and the community wants is constructive and sensible posts on this board. SYM is a little different form the rest of GameBanshee, in that it allows for a higher degree of socializing and chit-chat posting, but going from that to simply posting one word posts or ridiculous smilie posts et al is a huge leap, and should not really be made.

The forum rules are as well a good reminder for the mindset that should govern posting:
5 - Please do not spam. We are more lenient on spam in the Speak Your Mind forum, but excessive amounts will not be tolerated.

#8 - Generally, if a thread has no useful content for other members, or may offend someone, don't post it. Let common sense be your guide.
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Post by Macleod1701 »

I just view the post count as an indication of how much rubbish can spew out of our minds ;) , it doesn't indicate superiority or status, if it was removed from the display it wouldn't matter at all.
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Post by Brynn »

[QUOTE=Macleod1701]I just view the post count as an indication of how much rubbish can spew out of our minds ;) , it doesn't indicate superiority or status, if it was removed from the display it wouldn't matter at all.[/QUOTE]
You know that's a good idea :) So Weasley wouldn't earn repsect that easily, and Maxi wouldn't be crazy about his post count either :p

Anyway, total posts - posts in SYM = real post nr ;) Take Moltovir, for example. I dunno how much posts he has exactly, but not as much as the spammers - still, he's the most helpful guy at the BG forums, contributed much more to GB than any spammer ;)
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Post by frogus23 »

I says Yay to removing public post counts.

That way also, people might have better relationships with the resident ancients of SYM, actually having to ask bloodstalker what he's been doing on SYM for the last four years, rather than noticing he has a 10,000+ post count and then jumping to either venerate mindlessly or hide in a corner. :)
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Post by giles337 »

I think the ways to be come respected as a member were in one of Fas' distinctly pro-anti-newbian threads :D
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Post by Weasel »

Willing to sell to the highest bidder 5000 post! Get your post count boosted TODAY!

[QUOTE=Brynn]You know that's a good idea :) So Weasley wouldn't earn repsect that easily,[/QUOTE]

I highly doubt you will ever find Weasel and Respect coexisting. :D

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Post by Maharlika »

Something to ponder on...

...IMHO, I think it takes a certain amount of maturity to realize that posting for the sake of increasing one's post count isn't a sound idea. :rolleyes:
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Post by Georgi »

[QUOTE=frogus23]That way also, people might have better relationships with the resident ancients of SYM, actually having to ask bloodstalker what he's been doing on SYM for the last four years, rather than noticing he has a 10,000+ post count and then jumping to either venerate mindlessly or hide in a corner.[/QUOTE]

But some of us enjoy mindless veneration. :mad: :D
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