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Aerie or Anomen+Nalia?

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Aerie or Anomen+Nalia?

Post by Vikramaditya »

I'm trying to start a new game in SOA with my party from BGI (The first time I've ever played through BGI, so I'm pretty fond of this character). I've installed all the tactics mods, including Imp.Irenicus Dungeon. I'd also removed the XP cap in BG, so the PC, Minsc and Imoen (I did not have Jahiera in BG, so she's not with us in the game) are each at 200,000+ XP just before leaving Irenicus Dungeon. I'm trying to role play the char, so my party tried to leave the dungeon without resting. Needless to say, we never got near Illyich, but just managed to get past Tanova with our skins intact.
I'm trying to decide on NPCs to join the party once I leave the dungeon. I never switch NPCs, so I prefer to form my party early and go through TOB with them. I'm caught between 2 options, and would appreciate any advice:

1) PC (Neutral Good Half-Elf F/M), Minsc, Aerie, Jan (+Imoen+Sarevok/Sola later on)
2) PC (F/M), Minsc, Anomen, Nalia and Jan (+Imeon later on)

While I like Aerie, I'm also a bit leery of taking in Lawful Good Chars from a roleplaying perspective. I guess I could convert Aerie to NG/CG since Baerevan is a NG Diety, and Elves are naturally CG. However, all my mages will be multi-classed, and this might be a disadvantage in most of the improved battles, without higher level spells..

Taking Anomen & Nalia would resolve the XP issue, as they're single classed and would make the party more powerful. However, they're both irritating personalities, and I'm not sure Anomen with his self-righteousness and his rather inflexible Deity, would fit in a Chaotic party. How can a cleric of Helm condone dealing with Thieves, or the typical adventurer's eye-for-an-eye brand of justice?. Nalia is CG, but she has an attitude, plus she leaves the party if we don't liberate the keep early, which is rather difficult if using the Tactics mod.
So which combination should I pick? Should I take the XP hit with Aerie over Anomen & Nalia's personalities? Or should I ditch both and go with Viconia for my Cleric?
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Post by dragon wench »

Personally, just in terms of personality and roleplaying I'd go for Viconia. Or, I'd skip a cleric entirely and just have Jaheira as my main healer.
Though, again with Jaheira you have the multiclass issue...

I'm presently taking a party through right now that has only Jaheira as its healer, which I'm finding quite fun. Though, I'm not using the tactics mods, so maybe in your case a single, druid healer might be overly challenging, I'm not sure ;)
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Post by lompo »

Imoen and Nalia are almost two clones in term of playability, and the same is your NPC with Sola.
Aerie start to really shine in ToB, while Anomen is more effective in SoA (against undeads and for more melee power).
My suggestion is to take Aerie and Jaheira instead of Sola/Sarevok, because is a different char to play (Sarevok is very similar to Minsc).
You could even consider to take a sorc. instead of Aerie or Jan (Imoen is a good enough thief, specially if you have SwashiImoen mod).
Anomen if fails is test will becom CN, so should fit in the party by a RPG.
Viconia is the best cleric in the game, and she really shines in SoA, but for ToB becomes less effective in comparison to Aerie and Anomen.

Possible team: you, Minsc and Imoen + Jaheira, Aerie and Jan/sorc. (Kelsey/Tashia).
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Post by Nimiety »

I would vote for Aerie and Jan... You'll get Jan's thieving skills and his magic, plus Aerie can be surprisingly useful if you use her correctly. Plus, the sequencers and contingencies she casts can include both clerical and magic spells, so imagine casting a doom, doom, finger of death, or whatever.

The only complaint for Aerie is she's naturally a weak melee person and needs to be managed - send her to the back of a group with the sling of everard and the staff of the magi, and she'll be just fine.

Good luck!
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