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Wouldn't it be nice?

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Wouldn't it be nice?

Post by Sera-Bosmer »

Wouldn't it be nice to have a 'drop everything' button kinda like the "take all" button?

I'd live to be able to 'drop everything' kill the NPC I need / want to, and then pick up just the amount of gold it is going to take to pay the bounty.

How I loathe spending 15 - 20 minutes off loading all my stuff before going to pay a fine.

Any one up to make that mod?
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robot flux
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Post by robot flux »

that's like...the stupidest idea EVER.
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Sera-Bosmer]Wouldn't it be nice to have a 'drop everything' button kinda like the "take all" button?

I'd live to be able to 'drop everything' kill the NPC I need / want to, and then pick up just the amount of gold it is going to take to pay the bounty.

How I loathe spending 15 - 20 minutes off loading all my stuff before going to pay a fine.

Any one up to make that mod?[/QUOTE]

Well, I don't get hit by fines since my stealth is really good, but I have often wished for the same thing in different circumstances. I usually travel light, so a feature like that would be very convenient after returning to my base loaded down with loot. :cool:
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Post by fable »

Robox flux, you already know about the forum rules, so you know flaming of any sort isn't permitted on the board. If you don't like an idea, try the remarkable notion of quietly explaining why. Otherwise, you could end up losing your posting privileges.
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Post by Monolith »

[QUOTE=Sera-Bosmer]Wouldn't it be nice to have a 'drop everything' button kinda like the "take all" button?

I'd live to be able to 'drop everything' kill the NPC I need / want to, and then pick up just the amount of gold it is going to take to pay the bounty.

How I loathe spending 15 - 20 minutes off loading all my stuff before going to pay a fine.

Any one up to make that mod?[/QUOTE]

Many consider this being a bug, you know. If you join the Morag Tong killing and paying the fine is the usual procedure. Thus it's rather annoying that the guards always take all your stolen goods when your fined. Doesn't make sense anyway, does it? So there is a mod - or at least there was one - which changes this. After installing the mod the stolen goods are only taken away if they fine you for stealing something. If you kill somebody, all you'll have to do is paying the fine. Nice one. Unfortunately I don't have it anymore. And I don't know the name, or where to find it. So either you google around a little bit or you keep on "spending 15 - 20 minutes off loading" all your stuff - I doubt there is this mod you seek. I could be wrong though...
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