Originally posted by Scayde LOL.....Just dont be surprised if Galuf or garazdawi never speak to you again.
Or for that matter, run the other direction when they see you coming
I actually get on rather well with dwarves, which, I believe, is how I ended up in this situation
and I am resolved to resist pointing out the double meaning in that second sentence...
Here where the flattering and mendacious swarm
Of lying epitaths their secrets keep,
At last incapable of further harm
The lewd forefathers of the village sleep.
I think I'd better get to bed now. and possibly a cold shower is in order. g'night.
Here where the flattering and mendacious swarm
Of lying epitaths their secrets keep,
At last incapable of further harm
The lewd forefathers of the village sleep.
Can we prevent this from turning into another pure spam thread, please? Let's keep it appropriate and focused on its august subject. Thanks.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
Has the concept of the cursed returning dwarf been considered here? A nasty little problem - returns infuriated dwarf back to thrower..
Also, I feel compelled to forward gnomes as the dominant species. With regard to tossing, they are of course superior when one considers their spell casting abilities. The longer the range the more damage they can inflict in transit
You know froggus you could be a little more considerate next time and post one post earlier. That way I wouldn't feel my only contribution encouraged your considered and eloquent prose (you did think long and hard right?).
*sigh* You mention gnomes and people just turn off...
I think long and hard about everything I write, Grendel, whether it is a piece of lighthearted spam in a joke thread or a pedantic useless whine about nothing.
EDIT - On the subject of dwarf throwers:
Recent scientific surveys at the University of Liverpool suggest that, contrary to long held dwarf throwing protocol, tying the beard of the projectile around said projectile's ankles may actually reduce aerodynamicism.
Love and Hope and Sex and Dreams are Still Surviving on the Street
Theres been a new break through in gnome technology, It's a called a Gyropult, what it does is spin the object round on an arm, round and round, and then flings it forwards. The added advantage apart from the superior speed is that the dwarf is now covered in vomit. Rather nasty for the victim, both of them!
Whoa. Why bring the old insanity thread I devoured back to light again? Not that I have any objection. (For anyone who wants more details, read the first two pages of this monolith.)
And good to see you again, fellow researcher! It's been a long time. Out in the countryside studying the effects of longterm dwarf river-skipping topedos, eh?
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
[QUOTE=fable]Whoa. Why bring the old insanity thread I devoured back to light again? Not that I have any objection. (For anyone who wants more details, read the first two pages of this monolith.)
And good to see you again, fellow researcher! It's been a long time. Out in the countryside studying the effects of longterm dwarf river-skipping topedos, eh?[/QUOTE]
Just don't try to toss this Dwarf, okay? *immediately runs like a ol' time cartoon character*
Dungeon Crawl Inc.: It's the most fun you can have without 3 midgets and a whip! Character stats made by your's truly!
What's up Fable? I had just picked up KOTOR and came to the forums to look up some stuff and noticed your name. Remembered the old thread and figured you would get a laugh out of seeing it pop up. Hope all is well!
BTW, you should see the advancements I have made with multiple, soiled, infant dwarf projectiles. They don't do alot of impact damage but the stink factor is devastating.
BTW, you should see the advancements I have made with multiple, soiled, infant dwarf projectiles. They don't do alot of impact damage but the stink factor is devastating.
You Beastly, horrible man! Fable quite clearly stated that underage dwarf throwing is prohibited by the something-berg convention of somewhen-48
You have warped my fragile mind!
p.s (Giles did research! )
Mag:Don't remember much at all of last night do you? Me:put simply.... No Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.
You Beastly, horrible man! Fable quite clearly stated that underage dwarf throwing is prohibited by the something-berg convention of somewhen-48
You have warped my fragile mind!
Hrmpf...there are a select few of us, the forefathers of our beloved society, that are sactioned under specific by-laws to perform controvertial study in the interest of progress. It is just one of the sacrifices I must make for the good of future generations of dwarf throwers.
Mag:Don't remember much at all of last night do you? Me:put simply.... No Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.