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Fable FAQ

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Fable FAQ

Post by Obsidian »

I will edit this thread with the information I come across during the various threads that come up.

- Frost Drake
"Because too much repetitive thread have been made about the usual questions, I have complied this article to answer the most common questions so others won't get annoyed at threads describing something discussed 3 months ago. Now let's answer some common questions:

--Skorm and Avo point system can be altered by different methods--

Chapel of Skorm
In here you sacrifice followers, followers are the people with a "follow" icon up top their head, you can ask villagers to follow you or hire mercenaries. In the Chapel your rewards are as listed: 500 evil points gained earns you the Gift of Youth, 1000 evil points gained earns you the Skorm's Bow and if you have any further sacrifices you will receive a custom title "Necromancer". Now to get the rewards faster, the best way is to hire mercs because they can teleport with you. The evil merc at Twinblade's Camp give you the most points, next is the evil merc at Bowerstone South Tavern, then good merc at Temple of Avo and finally good merc at Oakvale. Best done closer to Sunday, in Fable every 7th day is Sunday, see your statistics for more detail.

Temple of Avo
In here you donate money to gain favour, in another words good points. This is exactly the same as the Chapel, 500 good points gets you the Gift of Youth, "The Gods are pleased, very pleased." is a quote for a one time donation of 32000+ grants you the legendary weapon Sentinus and if you donate enough to get another 500 good points Avo will give you the title "Paladin".

Assassin Attacks
Knothole Glade{When you move across the bridge.}
Windmill Hill{When you walk up towards the windmill.}
Prison Path{When you walk down onto the jetty.}
Hook Coast{When you walk to the bell, which is located west of the Abbey.}.
Witchwood Cullis Gate{Near Focus Site.}. (Thanks alot, now I can get the 3rd Treasure Clue.)

Frying Pan
Clue 1: Bounty Hunt quest, appears after you have done "Graveyard Path".
Clue 2: Missing Trader quest, appears after "Arena".
Clue 3: Gained after killing the final assassin.
Clue 4: Archery Contest at Knothole Glade.
Clue 5: Found in a chest east side of Orchard Farm.
Clue 6: Found in a chest at the back of the windmill.
Location: Between the first barn{Front left.} and the haystack. Don't get it unless you have all 6 clues or otherwise it is useless, it have a Demon Door face on it and the type is Greataxe.

Snow Troll, Suppress Uprising and Minion Camp
They are dummy quests, you cannot do them.

Strongest summon is the Dreadwing{Minion with curved end staff and able to fire magic at you.}. They won't reappear once you have beaten Jack or so I believe, some being sighted at Witchwood Cullis Gate though. Since the 1020th guard spawns White Balverines, you might as well summon them instead.

Legendary Weapons
Wellow's Pickhammer: Demon Doot at Greatwood Gorge, gain atleast 50 evil points in front of it or be fully evil.
Cutlass Bluetane: Demon Door ar Greatwood Caves, gained by having combat multiplier over 14.
Katana Hiryu: Lady Grey's Bedroom, inside 15 key silver chest.
Arkan's Crossbow: Darkwood Lake, inside 15 key silver chest.
Sentinus and Skorm's Bow: read "Chapel of Skorm" and "Temple of Avo".
Harbinger: Temple of Avo, have full physical levels or +5 physique, +4 health and +3 toughness after first failed attempt. Note: Your stats are maxed at level 7 so if you failed first attempt at level 3 physique you will need to get to level 7 as there is no level 8. A stupid name, I would of preferred Hellbringer, I mean Har-Binger?!
Solus Greatsword: Bought at shop in Bowerstone North, bloody rip off. Given as gift by Lady Grey, treat her good and you will get it.
Murren Greathammer: Heroes' Guild, inside 20 key silver chest.
Murren Greataxe: Hook Coast lighthouse top, 15 key silver chest.
Ronok the Axe: Demon Door at Grey House, only open after you marry Lady Grey.
Dollmaster's Mace: Demon Door at Abandoned Road, first dress in Bright Platemail suit then change to Dark Will User's outfit and finally Bandit gear.

Lookout Point Statue
The statue can only point to two areas so far I have discovered.
Heroes' Guild - ?
Bowerstone - Allows you to enter the Tavern Cellar
Greatwood - Hidden chests reveals itself at the path to the left near Greatwood Entrance.
Picnic Area - ?

Hidden Clue
The Blue Nymph Crouches at Quarter to Three.

Dumb Tricks
1.) Evil mugger trick, in the world of Fable you can purchase beer from the Tavern Keeper, the beer have more use than getting yourself pissed and vomiting all over the place. You can "push" any shop keeper out of their shop or get them to follow you, give them 4 beers{That's enough for them to stay drunk for a long time.} and you can loot all the things you want from their shop. One thing though, evil points will be gained everytime you steal.
2.) Digging trick, to dig into areas that are otherwise "blocked" off such as a gate or door or anything for that matter do this. Start by turning your back against the direction you wish to dig into, that means having your back FACING that direction. Then assign the shovel to a hotkey and use it, after the digging sequence you should notice you have moved a little further away towards the direction you have your back faced against. Reorientate yourself so your back is facing the direction you wish to dig again and repeat the process until you get through... or stuck.
3.) Sky walk trick, ever wanted to walk along the roofs? Maybe JUMP in Fable for once? Well this is one spot I found useful for doing so. The area in Twinblade's Camp where the silver key is buried, one of the walls there are actually ground with flowers on it{Ever notice how the circle isn't complete?}, what you do is using the digging trick and you should elevate everytime you dig into that thin wall. Soon enough you will arrive at the wall top of the camp, enjoy. You can walk along the walls unrestricted, and if you want to... jump off and land on some tent tops or bandits/traders.
4.) Massed EXP, well go to a area with unlimited enemies such as the Old Graveyard Path during the quest, do Enflame all day and you should be able to get about 300+ Combat Multiplier and a massive EXP value.(This is only an example, there are many ways to have massed exp.)"

From Max Pain

Making money -
"the best way to get money (and i mean the best) is to go to oakvale general store guy talk to him and open up the buy menu go to gifts check if he has 44 emeralds (44 is the best priced) if not wait howevermany days it takes for him to restock on it then after he gets 44 buy the most you can get off him then sell the lot back to him for a profit so keep buying and selling buy sell buy sell and youll be rich in no time i made 1,000,000 (one million) gold in 10 minutes!!! if it doesnt work post back"

From GregtheSleeper
"Hmm, that is the best way I have found to make money - as demoed many times though...

The biggest threads on fable money making... (more of the same, but some cool ideas)


From Gamer3000
"After youve beaten the game (and only AFTER)
take your legendary weapons to the snowspire blacksmith

sell them and buy them back. . repeat

youll gain about 10k or more in profit per weapon/legendary
The waves came crashing in like blindness.
So I just stood and listened.