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What to join?

Post by arno_v »

I thought it was time to start playing this game again. I just created a new character yesterday and after some running around I just ended up in Balmora. Now I think it's time to join a faction but I don't know which one. I have played though the fighters guild the last time I played so don't want to do that again. No Magic Guild either, because I don't like magic and I don't want to join House Haallu because I tried them for a couple of quest and they are morrons. So any advice is welcome...
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Post by Monolith »

Try out the Imperial Cult. They have some interesting quests and nice rewards.
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Post by arno_v »

Ok, maybe I will join them but I don't want to join to much factions like I did last time. I was thinking about one faction and a house and maybe something extra. So three is the maximum and it will probably be two.
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Post by Monolith »

[QUOTE=arno_v]Ok, maybe I will join them but I don't want to join to much factions like I did last time. I was thinking about one faction and a house and maybe something extra. So three is the maximum and it will probably be two.[/QUOTE]
Well, then the Imperial Cult should be the first one to choose ;) . Don't choose the Redorans if you don't intend to run around the ashlands all the time. I wasn't very pleased with them. I've never tried the Telvanni, nor the Temple. I've never played a mage...
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Post by arno_v »

So I've joined the imperial cult, but now I couldn't find anyone to give me quests... :rolleyes:
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Post by Monolith »

Go to Ebonheart. There is an Imperial Chapel. There are three quest-givers. :p
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Post by arno_v »

LOL, I was on my way already. The experience I got from months of playing is paying back now :p
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Post by DARK SAGE »

Actually there are four quest-givers, two down stairs and one redguard next to the front door and another woman behind the alter but if i were you i would do her's last.
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Post by Monolith »

Yeah, you're right. One is the oracle. But you can only do her quests if you are of a certain rank, I think.
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Post by dragon wench »

You could also try the Imperial Legion. They are fighter-oriented, but a bit more interesting than the fighter's guild, and the rewards are good too, as I recall.

Also, are you on Xbox or PC? If you're on the latter (I hate to sound like Fable here :p ;) ) you might want to check into the various guild and faction mods out there. I've heard that The Illuminated Order is really good. :cool:
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Post by arno_v »

I'm on a pc, but the reason I stopped playing were mods... My game got all crapy and got errors so I just turned all the mods of, but maybe I'll can put a few new ones in.

Anyone can help me choose between Redoran and Telvanni?
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Post by Yeltsu »

Redoran is an honour based fighter house while the telvanni are thieving backstabbing arrogant antisocial (levitate anyone?) mages

I would go for Redoran.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=arno_v]I'm on a pc, but the reason I stopped playing were mods... My game got all crapy and got errors so I just turned all the mods of, but maybe I'll can put a few new ones in.

Anyone can help me choose between Redoran and Telvanni?[/QUOTE]

Yeah.. you need to be quite judicious about mod installation..

That really depends on the sort of character you want to play and enjoy playing...
Much the same as my aversion to paladins in D&D based games, I find the Redoran extremely stuffy and I get bored with them. So for me, the choice is obvious, Telvanni hands down.
Besides, you can minimise the backstabbing aspects by being somewhat selective about the quests that you complete. I have succeeded in rising to the top of Telvanni with relatively little dishonesty or bloodshed.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

Go for Imperial Legion, you end up with some pretty sweet items in the end.

House Redoran is pretty fun too.
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Post by fable »

The Temple. Some very nice blessings and cures, and a spell takes you right to them.
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Post by oozae »

Yeah, I would go with:Temple, Telvanni and maybe.... Imperial Legion or Morag Tong ;)
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Post by Daredevil0116 »

You should also consider the east empire company
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Post by Tower_Master »

[QUOTE=dragon wench] might want to check into the various guild and faction mods out there. I've heard that The Illuminated Order is really good. :cool: [/QUOTE]

EGADS! *suspicious face* - has fable started hijacking other reputable user's screenames to spread his campaign of modding even further? Is there no place safe???

I'd personally go with Telvanni, Arn (assuming you can meet all the requirements and whatnot without going too far out of your way) - I got bored with Redoran fairly quickly (but then again, I don't have the longest attention span :rolleyes: ).
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Post by lifeishell91 »

I would also go with Telvanni, their political issues between the houses leads to some quite interesting ... finales :)
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Post by Eric V »

the theifs guild is fun and has so bonus missions
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