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Party time

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Party time

Post by Chrizum »

Post here what parties just rock, in the sense of a perfect balanced party, or in the sense of character interaction.

My party is as follow:
PC (Druid Avenger)
Aerie (romance :D )

But what I'd really want to make some time would be this:

PC (male)

This would be mad! 3 women romancing you, Haer'Dalis trying to take Aerie from you, Minsc being the flapout, this would be hilarious!

If a topic like this already exists, then don't bother replying, but I'm curious to other suggestions!
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Post by Phantom Lord »

Evil F/T

+ YouKnowWho in ToB

Small party of evil alignment with excellent balance and very strong NPCs. Since the party levels up fast, you get the best out of the spellcasters. Needless to say all NPCs agree perfectly well with you if you roleplay the evil way. :D
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Post by Erenor »

[QUOTE=Phantom Lord]Evil F/T

+ YouKnowWho in ToB

Small party of evil alignment with excellent balance and very strong NPCs. Since the party levels up fast, you get the best out of the spellcasters. Needless to say all NPCs agree perfectly well with you if you roleplay the evil way. :D [/QUOTE]

The evil fighters, especially our delicious friend in ToB, are so much better than the others. Keldorn is amazing with the correct weaponry, of course, but nothing beats a dual tank system with Korgan and someone with a slightly tainted family heritage from ToB. Makes it so fun to be evil! I'd go with the same party as above with maybe the addition of Haer'Dalis or Jan Jansen. Too bad there aren't enough evil NPCs ever.
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

I can really never play Evil so my party is:
PC:Kensai/mage ( 99% destruction )

Viconia ( Prolly the most interesting romance to have + the best priest in the game )

Minsc ( Good humour all the way )

Jaheira ( Many fun quests and i also like her fighting with Viconia over my PC :p )

Imoen ( She is a real must! I mean she is a part of the storyline almost as much as the PC )

Korgan ( He just adds that extra 1% destruction )
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Post by Phantom Lord »

[QUOTE=Erenor]I'd go with the same party as above with maybe the addition of Haer'Dalis or Jan Jansen. Too bad there aren't enough evil NPCs ever.[/QUOTE]Well, Jan for the fun factor I could understand. Haer Dalis doesn't fit in, cause this bunch is a little too rough for our poet.

In fact you ain't gonna need any of the two. An important aspect the strength of this party is its small size. With the two superior spellcasters in it, levels are worth more than numbers imho. Besides that, it would be a pity to water down its evil attitude. ;)
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Post by Patrick »

@Chrizum, I know if you have both Aerie and Haer'Daelis you wilo not be able to Romance Aerie.
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Post by Chrizum »

[QUOTE=Patrick]@Chrizum, I know if you have both Aerie and Haer'Daelis you wilo not be able to Romance Aerie.[/QUOTE]

What? It's not like you can "win" Aerie or anything? I mean, I'm way cooler than that stupid whiny elf :P
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Post by Faust »

[QUOTE=Patrick]@Chrizum, I know if you have both Aerie and Haer'Daelis you wilo not be able to Romance Aerie.[/QUOTE]


That's not entirely true. What ends up happening is a very interesting love triangle. Of course, if you play your cards right, Aerie will chose the player. It adds an interesting dimension to the Aerie romance, actually.
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Post by Erenor »

[QUOTE=Phantom Lord]Well, Jan for the fun factor I could understand. Haer Dalis doesn't fit in, cause this bunch is a little too rough for our poet.

In fact you ain't gonna need any of the two. An important aspect the strength of this party is its small size. With the two superior spellcasters in it, levels are worth more than numbers imho. Besides that, it would be a pity to water down its evil attitude. ;) [/QUOTE]

Good point. I didn't think of that. Wouldn't want to water down the evil. The others would just whack anyone not as evil that tried to tag along.
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Post by SP101 »

Banters Party :

- Female PC (I used a Fighter/Druid)
- Kelsey or Tsujatha (Romance) ... but I'll recommend Kelsey, since he has special Banters with Keto!
- Keto (LOTS of Banters)
- Whoever suits you : I used Mazzy, Keldorn and Jan, since they all have cool banters .. except Keldorn.. his banters with the PC are a bit borring. Edwin could be cool to had! He's always funny in his banters with Jan. I would like to see what he says to Keto/Kelsey :D

Powerhouse :

- Male/Female PC (I would use a Swashbuckler/Fighter dual-class, or any other sort of half-thief or plain thief)
- Viconia
- Korgan
- Edwin
- Tsujatha
- YouKnowWhoInToB...

Tsujatha is only a 2nd copy of Edwin... but with a totally different Background. He's a Necromancer that isn't from Faerun, and stars ... lvl 13!!! (So don't get him too early). He's a good spellcaster, that can cast alot of spells!

Viconia is the best cleric of the game... especially because she can charm a lich at high level (I charmed Kangaax at level 16+... pretty funny to see!)

Korgan is one of the best tanks... if it is not THE #1. Crohm Faeyr and Axe of Unyielding, and you're ready for slaying.

Edwin his a pretty cool plain spellcaster with alot of spells from his necklace! Lots of funny banters with everyone too. Add Robe of Vecna, and you're ready to shoot spells.

YouKnowWhoInToB ... I won't spoil here =)

In this party, you could romance either Viconia or Tsujatha...
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