I'd like for our hero to be able to jump!!!... consequently for him to be able to levitate while using a spell... if jack was able to fly/levitate in the final battle why not our hero?
On regards to weapons.. I'd be better if you have to trade in your old weapon to get new one so that your inventory isn't so freaking long... or for you to be able to leave all the stuff at home and only take what you need, to be able to sit down and have a beer not to have to stand up for it.
Instead of having 2, 3 different stores.. make a single one with all the products, less time and more you can steal at a single spot
Underwater action.. have a spell which will protect you when underwater (swimming seems a little tacky) so you jump in the water and when you need to get out you levitate... like the time you needed to kill the water creature kryn something I think I forgot.. the one after you get out of prision and you are with your mom.... it would have been kool if you could have fought him underwater.
No Resurrection Phial!!! the only thing they are good for is to make money.
No Books!!! instead, have a library were you may go and read on stuff you need to know.
I didn't read everyone's post, but my two biggest gripes about the game which I'd like to see remedied in a future game would be length and dialogue options. How can this be one of the greatest RPG's of all time, which some were spouting before it's release, if your only dialogue options are yes and no? And It's a real shame that if I want to I can start and finish an entire game skipping nothing in a weekend. That shouldn't be possible! Other things I'd like are more varieties of weapons(like someone said, maybe a spear or a staff), some form of character creation, or at least a pool of characters to choose from at the beginning, and for pete's sake use the whole damn disk when making a game, because I bet there was a lot of room left over on this one.
OH and not being able to sell legendary weapons kinda sucked.
One more thing.... a slightly larger variety of spells that are actually worth using.
"I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us, instead of shoot us when he had the chance" - Bao-Dur
the spell point is good, i noticed the only ones people normally ised were enflame and physical shield. sometimes berserk. (im not saying thats all, just mostly all anyone ever talks about) other things like force push and fureball is seemingly pointless, seeing that you have much better things like enflame that do the same job but inflict more damage
I apologize for not reading the other threads, but these are my thoughts on fable 2. I shall try to keep them organized.
Game Mechanics
Overall, I felt that this was the strongest part of Fable. the combat system was very solid, It was simple, easy to learn, and addictive. Building combat multipliers provided an effective distraction from the drudgery of the mindless killing. I wouldn't change this at all. The camera also was extremely flexible and of all of these type of games, I found Fable's easiest to work with. This I wouldn't change.
what I would change, however, is the user interface. I found it rather frustrating to hold the trigger and click "Y" until I find the spell I want, especially in the middle of combat. I had the "fart" emote on my little quick menu, and it stayed there despite my best efforts to change it. I would like to see them come up with a more streamlined system. I don't mind more doodads on my screen, as long as they are serving some sort of purpose.
game play
like probably most everyone else, I would have liked to see a far longer game. 50 - 70 hours would probably make for an epic game. If they made it too long they'd alienate many casual gamers. Of course, there would be nothing to stop them from adding numerous side quests and additions to increase it's length, to appease and reward the hardcore gamers.
the quests
in Fable, the progression of quests was rather linear. You start at A. get to B. I feel it had alot to due with the way the world was set up. I would like to see A: more involvement with the other guilders and B: a feeling of accomplishment. The best analogy I can come up with would be the difference between GTA3 and vice city. In GTA3 you start and end as a mere driver type. In Vice city you start as the delivery boy and end as the owner of pretty much the entire city. This is how I would prefer to see the quest system as well: a matrix of quests that branch out like a tree, rather than a linear set of quests.
For example, a person playing a lawful good character could take jobs for the temple of Avo, while chaotic good characters could do more ranger work for, say, Knothole Glade. Likewise, lawful evil characters could work for the Chapel of Skorm, while chaotic evil characters could work with the bandits. Like GTA2 to use GTA again, as you do jobs for certain factions, it closes and opens doors. But to add intrigue, they could throw in betrayal quests for people who like to play redeemed villians or fallen Paladins.
the world
I found Fable to be extremely linear. It is little more than a twisting line of paths. I would prefer to have seen it as a wide, expansive world. I felt a sense of claustrophobia while playing much of the game. an expansive world would open albion up in terms of exploration, and variety in even mundane quests like escort quests and what have you.
way too clockwork. The entirety of the romance system is that you go into a town, buy a house, pick your favorite female sprite, then flirt/sexypose/give gifts until she is ready to be married. I found this to be boring. While the idea that you decide your own spouse is innovative, it is boring story line wise, because other than getting a fresco, it doesn't contribute much. I would have much rather prefered a choice of 3 or 4 companions which were indepth, developed, and very pertinent to the story as opposed to what felt like being married to a piece of code. I for one, would have prefered the ability to romance Whisper, Briar Rose or Lady Grey as opposed to the cookie cutters I have to choose from. Quality, not quantity please.
character development
the avatar
a gender choice would have been nice, but I guess it would be pure aesthetics. more importantly, I would have liked to see more dialog options to further the character's personality. I mean here you are, deciding wether or not to murder your own sister, and your character just sort of stands there with a blank look on his face. I see the artistic point they were trying to make by making him virtually mute, but in a game where the player has to build everything about his character from stratch, it can be limiting. It works in Legend of Zelda because LoZ's story runs like it is on rails. There doesn't necessarily have to be a voice over, but simple KOTOR style choice system wouldn't hurt, even if they kept it limited
The character aged 0.7 years everytime something was increased. I found this to be rather too high, thus a character had to be carefully planned out if you didn't want your character to finish past his late 30's. There is no doubting that the system is very innovative. But I would change it, either make it trigger-bound, or reduce the amount gained per raise.
as a side note, Why was your character the only one to age in Fable 1? I would like to see the rest of the world age with you. It doesn't have to be dead on faithful, just have triggers when you reach certain ages. When you hit 25, 38, 50, 65. etc. They don't need to change the generic villagers, but changes in the main NPCs. They could be subtle, but would be greatly apreciated by the players as going that extra mile.
the game was, quite frankly, biased towards the good, and this is coming from a habitual good player. I found that when I was playing evil that I had to go out of my way after many missions to keep my horns and red eyes. I would prefer a more open game.
bells and whistles
customizing hair color would have been nice. Nothing overly fancy, maybe just a black/brown/blond/red meter. same with eye color or even skin color.
also, the selection of equipment lacked any sort of aesthetic difference. I would want to see an extensive set of armors and weapons, different styles, colors, etc. Along with a de-centralization of the quest system, this would add an extreme amount of replayability, and customization that makes these types of games great.
Ok so in this fable we all know that with a modded xbox you can acheive the dragon slaying thing well how about that you find a book called
'The Legacy of the Riders'
Its in elven or something but anywho you cant quite translate so you take it to the guildmaster.......
Of course he tells you that somehow Heros could form bonds with animals and dragons were among the most stuborn of all and Jack of Blades was
the only rider in all of Albion of course....
Your sent on a quest you kill a dragon and you stumble across its baby
i believe that more customization would be a good thing, however, too much (character customization) would make the character grapics not as great. i believe that the toruredOne's comparisons to other games proved helpful, and i would just like to note, this game was alot like zelda, however, zelda was Longer if they were able to make zelda that long, on N64!!! then it is surely possible to have expanded fable
[QUOTE=Frost Drake]Binding weapons, every weapon is made of different ores and each ore have a % value as the damage on the weapon's shape and length.[/QUOTE]
Have you ever played Vagrant's Story for the PS? It had something like what you're talking about, each weapon was made of different materials, and combining them created new and different weapons with their own specific abilities and looks. It was the best weapon combination system I've encountered in a game, and made VS, among some other reasons, one of my top ten all time favorite games.
If you could find a way to implement this and expand on it, I'd buy you're game in a heartbeat.
I also have suggested some of my ideas from a couple of games I've been designing, I just pray they don't patent them before I get a chance to (wait, if, not when). Here's hoping.
"I shall think that the sky, the air, earth, colours, shapes, sounds, and all external things are merely the delusions of dreams which a demon of the utmost power and cunning has devised in order to ensnare my judgement." (Descartes, Meditations)
[QUOTE=Polyphemus]Have you ever played Vagrant's Story for the PS? It had something like what you're talking about, each weapon was made of different materials, and combining them created new and different weapons with their own specific abilities and looks. It was the best weapon combination system I've encountered in a game, and made VS, among some other reasons, one of my top ten all time favorite games.
If you could find a way to implement this and expand on it, I'd buy you're game in a heartbeat.
I also have suggested some of my ideas from a couple of games I've been designing, I just pray they don't patent them before I get a chance to (wait, if, not when). Here's hoping.[/QUOTE]
Nope, my ideas are original. That is if you don't discriminate me for taking it from history, what I mean is forging and iron casting as in ores and materiality. I'm not into fantasy magic BS, my idea is that build your own weapons and damage distribution system, i.e. you can shape the blades to hit stronger on the upper end, lower end or anywhere in between.
I can be bothered with patents until I actually finish the prototype.
That is a very innovative idea, Frost Drake. The idea that you could forge your own weapon using different ores and alloys (or even magic) to create new weapons of your own. They could potentially turn it into a mini-game, maybe a sort of "Simon" or something, where the more successful the person is within the mini-game, the more powerful the weapon becomes. To use an example of a greatly implemented mini-game system: God of War for the PS2 was great. They were simple "Press the button that flashed on the screen" games, but were amusing and looked wicked.
Additional magic infusing of the weapon could be a different mini-game altogether, and would have a lot more depth than the augmentation system of Fable 1. There could be several different ores, each one with their own strength and weakness, and finding new ore combinations would prove to be a rewarding distraction. Not to mention the aesthetic possibilities that comes with weapon creation. After creating a weapon, they could use the card system like Fable one used when deciding the grip, pommel, even engravings on the blade. A most intriguing idea
i believe that more customization would be a good thing, however, too much (character customization) would make the character grapics not as great. i believe that the toruredOne's comparisons to other games proved helpful, and i would just like to note, this game was alot like zelda, however, zelda was Longer if they were able to make zelda that long, on N64!!! then it is surely possible to have expanded fable
granted, but It's not like I asked for too much. Gender would be the primary difference at the start of the game, along with a slider that set skin tone and hair color, and possibly eye color. You are right in saying too much customization can be clunky, but I think the slight alterations I laid out would not significantly decrease graphical content, but would go a long way in character customization.
Zelda and Fable were similar only in the sense that they are action games, but Fable is far closer to an RPG and IMO had a lot more depth in terms of character development. Besides, I was able to beat Ocarina of Time in around 20 hours, so it wasn't that long. Still, if they could filch a 20 hour game out on an archaic cartrige system, than They have no excuse on a next-gen console like the Xbox 2.
Additional magic infusing of the weapon could be a different mini-game altogether, and would have a lot more depth than the augmentation system of Fable 1. There could be several different ores, each one with their own strength and weakness, and finding new ore combinations would prove to be a rewarding distraction. Not to mention the aesthetic possibilities that comes with weapon creation. After creating a weapon, they could use the card system like Fable one used when deciding the grip, pommel, even engravings on the blade. A most intriguing idea
I have a idea for that too, except that the augmentation stays. But the augmentation have no effect without magic, you will need to charge up your magic power into the blades in order to use the augmentation's effects, this will open up a whole new way of customization as the amount of mana used determines the power of the augmentation effects and the number of effects applied.
Plus using magic to create augmentation is fun, and maybe addictive.
No HP bar, just magic. 100% health is all you've got, 1 thrust through the body, you are dead. That might be too harsh for Fable though, players may complain that the difficulty just went through the roof. Oh well, leave it for my game.
But those are my ideas, can't just let anyone use them, plus they don't have the right formula to work out damage. My system is VERY complicated.
endless possibilities (instead of spending experiance, u kill a certain number of monsters or bosses to lvl up, like runescape or GTH) for ex. there isnt a cap to how many lvls u can get
1. I would like to see my character speak. I mean all he could to was grunt and moan. I can't see someone who can't speak casting spells.
2. What is my character's family history? How about more story line on that to make me feel like I am in the realm. There where lots of un answered questions like what happened to the kingdom? Why did it fall?
3. How about more the one way to do quests? Would love to see them a good, or evil way in solving the quest.
4. Definelty one of the biggest things is more dialog with other NPC's. I want to be able to insult them, maybe cheer them or even sneer at them. I want them to actually remember what I did in town. If I killed off the local bandit camp I would like to see the NPC's remembering it.
5. As noted above if I am going interact with them I want to see more then a few emotes. I want the emotes to be mature not a bunch of Junior High antics.
6. How about different ways of romancing in the game? What about having children?
As all these are not bad ideas and should be considered. This game has potential but unless the designers improve it, all it will be is an overpriced game with little content.
1. SUMMON and TATTOOS. They seem worthless to me. It'd be cooler if tattoos are used to summon cool creatures rather than aesthetic purposes, so that the summoned beings are not as useless as they are. Pets that could accompany you in battles would also be cool.
2. STRONGER BOSSES PLEASE! I wonder why Jack is the most feared being in Albion... he's good for two minutes. Also, I'm not nervous to face any boss even with melee attacks alone. I never used a resurrection phial. Fable is the first RPG I've played but it was very easy.
3. BLACK-OUT IN MAKING LOVE? Grrrrr... Isn't killing innocent people more evil than seeing... well, you know... just an opinion.
4. TIRED OF GROUND OR EARTH. How about swimming through waters and unlocking the treasures there rather than fishing for them (which I think is stupid) and killing aquatic creatures? How about warping to different worlds outside Albion like the heaven and hell. Make heaven the destination of those aligned to good and hell otherwise.
5. BE CAREFUL OF ERRORS. I pulled the Harbringer already but the people around are still pulling and chattering about it. I finished the Archery Competition, Temple of Avo and Chapel of Skorm quests but they are still in my current quests.
6. MORE RIDDLES. I like the idea about the statue and the Bowerstone Tavern Cellar until I only got a leather chest piece. I think they wasted the idea. Same thing with the Hidden Booty Hunt Quest. Okay, it's comic but forgetable.
But still, Fable is so good, a game I couldn't drop. I'll post more suggestions soon when I've thought of some already.
Has anyone played Runescape?? Its an online RPG, You can mine for different types of ore and learn to make your own weapons and armor to sell or wear. I think that in Fable2 you should be able to be a blacksmith if you want to be or a fisherman and be able to buy a large boat. Or own a restaraunt and be able to sell food that you learn to make through out your journy.
Something that was not really consistant in what Fable promised to be. Fable's calling card is "For every choice a consequence" Well, what about for every consequence a choice? For example, in the end of the first Fable your mission is to stop Jack, but I think it should be a two option quest. Like Orchard Farm, Execution, you get the idea: a partnership with Jack to destroy the guild and kill the GuildMaster. "I could break you. So leave it" We shall see old man, we shall see.
Don't fear the Reaper. Just fear me: Deathbringer!
Well, some things I can think of would be a better/more advertisment, and to let you be able to play as a female.
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...
[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
Well, most is covered by the previous posts.
1->I think the ability to design custom hairstyles/tatoos etc. would make a great addition to this game, after all it should be YOU that decides how you look, not the merchants.
2->Another addition to the realism in fable would be weapon/armor durability.
Commoners cry like babies when you assault their homes, make them protect it instead.
3->More then one final boss, some rivals or people that aren't fully evil or good.
4->No immortal characters, like maze, if necessary let them be resurrected (If they are so strong you can't kill them why don't they go after those bosses huh?).
5->Allies, not the conventional "follow" commoners or the few mercs, but people who already decided to team up with you or follow the same cause.
Do you need a silencer if you're gonna shoot a mime?
Travel to the Eastern Lands where the Katanas and those hairstyles come from
Building Houses from no Where... Opening Little stores in the fields
just like in the MMORPGs maybe
lend weapons and equip to your party members while in a quest
Weapon Crafting and Customising ( like puting a sword a double blade )
Fists and Guantlets for fighting with your own hands
I would like to the the environment to response to your actions
Just like Burning trees or any plant with fireball, or some steam coming out by hiting water with it
Would it be possible to start your own underworld - dishing out quests to assassinate people and stuff... just an idea a mate of mine had when hiring all the mercs at one time...
How Gammy.... the names meant to be great unclean one... not Uncle...