Well I've just defeated Dagoth Gares and have returned to Balmora. I don't normally look at walkthroughs but I hadn't yet looked at my journal to see that getting corprus disease is part of the main quest, and I noticed that you're supposed to talk to a guy named Fast Eddie and then return to Caius to get a Dwemer Artifact. So I talked to Fast Eddie, but there were no dialogue options pertinaing to my problem. I don't want to get all the way there and have to come back. I do however have a Dwemer Cohoner in my stash. Should I just take that and forget about Caius and Fast Eddie or is there something I missed? Thanks.
Nevermind.... All I had to do was bribe Divayth Fyr $2000 and the dialogue came up. I'd still like to know what the deal is with Caius supposed to have given me a dwemer artifact and the whole Fast Eddie thing.
Main Quest(Corprus Cure) Questions... SPOILERS
Main Quest(Corprus Cure) Questions... SPOILERS
"I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us, instead of shoot us when he had the chance" - Bao-Dur