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Importing a character from bg 1

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Importing a character from bg 1

Post by KoziGen »

First of all, as it is my first post, I would like to say hi to all of you :>
Ok, I have a huge problem with importing my character from bg 1 to bg:soa. It is a dwarven fighter and I wanted it to become a barbarian, but it looks like it is not possible because I can choose only between berserker, wizard slayer and pure fighter. Why is that and can it be helped ? I would be very grateful for any info on this problem. Thanks in advance ;)
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Post by the_limey »

Hello and welcome!
Many of the kits are restricted by alignment- check yours and then read the description. If you haven't got the right alignment there is always gatekeeper.
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Post by KoziGen »

Naaaah, my dwarf is chaotic neutral, so he should be a perfect barbarian :) I think that something else is the problem, but I have no clue what it might be.
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Post by the_limey »

Whoa- I've just realised you want to be a barbarian- you can't convert your dwarven fighter into a barbarian because it's not a fighter kit, it's a class on it's own- you'll *have* to start a new character if you want to be a barbarian. Soirry, that's just the way it is, if you do want to keep your stuff either cheat and use shadowkeeper or start a MP game with your old and new characters and swap gear.
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Post by KoziGen »

Ok, so now I'll have to kill myself ;) I don't want to cheat because it takes away the pleasure of raising your character, so it looks like I wasted a lot of time developing this little killing machine :) Anyway, thanks for answering my question.
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Post by the_limey »

Fair enough- however, if you're willing to go all the way through BG1 again maybe the Tutu mod will help- I've never used it so I'm not certain, but as it allows you to play BG1 with some of the rules from it's sequel maybe it imports the classes too? Just a thought...
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Post by Thrifalas »

Berserkers are... half-fighter, half-barbarian, if you wish. It's also a very common class for Dwarves and has the berserker rage as well, so I'm recommending this class instead of the barbarian, think you'll have fun with this one as well. :)
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Post by Astafas »

[QUOTE=Thrifalas]It's also a very common class for Dwarves and has the berserker rage as well, so I'm recommending this class instead of the barbarian, think you'll have fun with this one as well. :) [/QUOTE]

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Post by krunchyfrogg »

If you really want a dwarven barbarian, yeah, you'll have to start with a new character. You could start a barbarian and, using ShadowKeeper, give him the same stats as your BGI fighter. It can be rationalized, since you can't actually play a barbarian in BGI.
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Post by Cuchulain82 »

[QUOTE=krunchyfrogg]If you really want a dwarven barbarian, yeah, you'll have to start with a new character. You could start a barbarian and, using ShadowKeeper, give him the same stats as your BGI fighter. It can be rationalized, since you can't actually play a barbarian in BGI.[/QUOTE]
That is what I would do- you can even just use CLUA and create the Tomes to up your stats. If you want your gear, create the new PC (barbarian), start a multi-player game with the old PC (fighter), and port over all the gear by pausing at the beginning of Irenicus' dungeon.

It is almost as good as if you had been able to change to Barbarian all along! :)
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Post by Phantom Lord »

[QUOTE=KoziGen]I don't want to cheat because it takes away the pleasure of raising your character, so it looks like I wasted a lot of time developing this little killing machine :) [/QUOTE]Well, chosing the Berserker kit would mean a small conversion, using SK to convert him to Barbarian is a slightly bigger one - but why not just consider it a modification caused by the different engines? After all, what happens to you at the start of BG2 may justify a little change of mind. ;)
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Post by krunchyfrogg »

[QUOTE=Cuchulain82]That is what I would do- you can even just use CLUA and create the Tomes to up your stats. If you want your gear, create the new PC (barbarian), start a multi-player game with the old PC (fighter), and port over all the gear by pausing at the beginning of Irenicus' dungeon.

It is almost as good as if you had been able to change to Barbarian all along! :) [/QUOTE]

Or, since you'll have to open Shadowkeeper anyway, you may as well save yourself the trouble from using the tomes. ;) Besides, (at least) one of them is bugged and won't work.

Also, if you play TotSC, make sure you bump up your XP. The XP max with TotSC installed in 161,000, which is higher than the 89,000 you usually start BGII off at.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

[QUOTE=krunchyfrogg]Or, since you'll have to open Shadowkeeper anyway, you may as well save yourself the trouble from using the tomes. ;) Besides, (at least) one of them is bugged and won't work.

Also, if you play TotSC, make sure you bump up your XP. The XP max with TotSC installed in 161,000, which is higher than the 89,000 you usually start BGII off at.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I have a less Gate/ShadowKeeper-heavy solution to that.

Save your winning character (when they reach the experience cap) to a character file other than Char1. When you export and import that file to SoA, they'll have the same experience as they finished with in BG2.
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Post by krunchyfrogg »

...but then how do you get a dwarven barbarian?
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

[QUOTE=krunchyfrogg]...but then how do you get a dwarven barbarian?[/QUOTE]

For that, you're best off using the methods discussed before. I just thought I'd help with the experience issue. ;)
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Post by Andyr »

Tutu will let you play the BG1 story as a Barbarian/Monk/whatever, yes.
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Post by GoG »

[QUOTE=krunchyfrogg]Or, since you'll have to open Shadowkeeper anyway, you may as well save yourself the trouble from using the tomes. ;) Besides, (at least) one of them is bugged and won't work.

iirc the tomes of charisma and wisdom won't work, unless you exploit the game engine that is. try pausing the game, then go into your inventory and click on a item that you can use (like a potion of healing) when you've "used" it put the tome of wisdom or charisma in its place in the inventory. then go to the game screen and unpause the game. the tome will work then...
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Post by krunchyfrogg »

You're right, GoG, but it's just a whole lot easier if you use SK.
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Post by GoG »

[QUOTE=krunchyfrogg]You're right, GoG, but it's just a whole lot easier if you use SK.[/QUOTE]

indeed it is, but in any case someone wouldn't wanna use SK (why would puzzle me), it felt appropriate to provide that info as well...
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Post by Cuchulain82 »

[QUOTE=GoG]indeed it is, but in any case someone wouldn't wanna use SK (why would puzzle me), it felt appropriate to provide that info as well...[/QUOTE]
You guys are forgetting about Mac users. Alas, there is no SK for us :( so I try to chime in with a CLUA altenative to SK answers.
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