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Morag Tong (spoilers?)

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Morag Tong (spoilers?)

Post by Oscuro_Sol »

The first time I joined the Morag Tong I received the first quest to kill the guy in the Elven Nations Cornerclub (something Oran). The problem is that after I did kill him and left the cornerclub, the guard outside said that I'd been caught doing murder or whatever. First of all, how would he know if he was outside? :P I got the option to show him a writ but as far as I can remember I didn't even have a writ in my inventory, and I also remember seeing somewhere that you only receive a writ AFTER you go back to Eno and tell him you killed Oran. I clicked the writ option anyways, and he left me alone -- for about 2 seconds. I started to walk away but then he told me I'd been caught doing murder again! The option to present the writ was there again, but I knew for sure that this time I couldn't of possibly had two writs in my inventory before I even proved myself to the Morag Tong. So I click the writ option again, walk (excuse me, run) away, then 2 seconds later he catches me again. I was considering joining the Morag Tong with my Telvanni, but I really don't want to go through all of this again. Does anyone know if this was just a glitch or if I just did the "killing procedure" incorrectly?
Thanks in advance,
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Post by jopperm2 »

Eno should give you the writ when he gives you the quest. Check your inventory before you do the kill. Then kill, and find a guard to present to immediately.

I love the tong missions. :)
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Post by Oscuro_Sol »

Thanks :)
So do I have to talk to the guard myself after I kill, or will he come to me first?
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Post by jopperm2 »

He may run up to you. He may not. Depends on several things.
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Post by Oscuro_Sol »

Okay, thank you :)
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