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Assasins guild

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Assasins guild

Post by Zeke7050 »

Hey again, yea its another one of those dumb ques. but its pissing me off, Ok in Morrowind there is a assasin's guild m tong or something can't remeber the name. any way I need to find Eno Hlaalu to join, he is in Vivice and I can't find him and have been looking for a while. ANY ANY ONE HELP ME,,

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Post by Zeke7050 »

Guild Name

Ok I found out what the guild's name was.. The Morang Tong. So does anyone know where i can find them and their headmaster to sign up?? :confused:
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Post by fable »

Zeke, I think you'll find the answer to "easy questions" like this in the variuos FAQ walkthroughs on the Web. Try those up at GameFAQs; they've got some good ones.

You may also want to be more careful about your spelling. First, because people tend to pay more attention to folks who take the time to organize their thoughts, and second, because if you get a key word wrong, you won't be able to search on it--like Morag Tong.
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Post by Zeke7050 »


I really don't like to use walk throughs. They just defeate the purpose of the game. I mean yea so is asking someone for help, but i have looked preety hard for it! Like three or four days so I was wondering if any one else had has this problem and figured it out. But... could you send me the site address for the FAQ whatever and i will take a look because I'm sick of looking!
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Post by Zeke7050 »

Thnks for the complete insult!! But I was walking out the door and had to type fast. Before you start making statements like this learn the rest of the situation surrounding it. Other wise you look arrogent and stupid!

You may also want to be more careful about your spelling. First, because people tend to pay more attention to folks who take the time to organize their thoughts, and second, because if you get a key word wrong, you won't be able to search on it--like Morag Tong.
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Post by fable »

Zeke, I was perfectly nice to you. My language was calm, and friendly, and my suggestions were given to me, years ago when I first arrived, and which I've profited from, ever since. I passed them along because they make excellent sense.

On the other hand, you are being rude and obnoxious, for no cause at all. You are also in violation of GameBanshee's forum rules, regarding flaming. Consider this your first warning. More of the same won't be tolerated.

This thread is closed.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.