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butterflies round my head

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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butterflies round my head

Post by rossouw »

Why is there butterflies flying round my head and some circle this as though Im unconcious but im not?
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Post by Polyphemus »

Because you're a super-cool good guy. Do some evil to get gnats, or don't do anything and go through life without annoying little creatures buzzing and flapping around. Gotta be really annoying in battle, I would think...
"I shall think that the sky, the air, earth, colours, shapes, sounds, and all external things are merely the delusions of dreams which a demon of the utmost power and cunning has devised in order to ensnare my judgement." (Descartes, Meditations)
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