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I'm Confused...

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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I'm Confused...

Post by telemantros »

Hi again, um I started playing the game today, after figuring out how to change the view, and I'm finding myself becoming more and more confused with all the stats, symbols, and races.

I've already made my choice, crusader nord person, but i was just curious if anyone had any hints or words of wisdom for a nooby to this game? Like good places to roam around and kill stuff and the biggest question of mine, can you run?

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Post by fable »

Stay around the starting area in general. Kill crabs and rats. You'll need the experience to raise whatever melee skills you've got. Avoid the caves for now. Stick close to the shoreline, and don't let any more than one of the local breed of rabid fish attack you at a time.

Sell the reagents left by corpses, and buy some healing potions and suitable armor. If you've got good magical skills, consider some mana potions, as well, and maybe a spell or two.

Check carefully for plenty of herbs you can pick and sell in mushrooms, plants, etc.
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Post by wikiwu »

can you run

Yes is the answer to your question, simply press the caps lock button on your keyboard and to walk again do the same thing. :D
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Play to your strengths. Check out the skills page to find out which kind of weapon is the best for your strengths. By a cheap version of whatever armor/weapons/magic that suits you.

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