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Gothic 2: any tips on gameplay? things to do?

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Post by WolfHeart »

No, i just dont open then, my Paladin and Mage for example didnt spend any points in dexterity, i didnt find it worth my wile to learn lockpicking and either

a. waste a lot of lockpicks untill i figure out the combo or
b. save load untill i figure it out.

Locked chests are mixed bunch, some have amazing stuff, others are junk.
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Post by Locutus »

...the thief skills and the trade itself in G2 just aint that fun.the prize is rareley worth it....its more about geting into the feeling of theft....
i usualy like to become one if the game offers the choice, coz i enjoy 'living it' - and coz its worth the items.but most of the 'special' items and weapons in G2 are guarded by hostile NPCz.
this game shows its best sides from the fighter (merc - more interesting) or a mage point of view
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Monolith]Not if you want to be proficient in archery and a deft pick-pocket. :p

And it's fun. You take the risk of loosing that lockpick and getting just a few coins instead, but hey, you finally know what's in that darn chest, don't you? ;) . Lockpicking is the first skill I choose...[/QUOTE]

Sounds like something I'll invest some points in.

The best "thief chests" I recall were the word-lociks in Betrayal at Krondor. They stated riddles of differing complexity, then offered you a sequence of 3-25 slots, each slot containing 4 letters. You had to "find" the answer to the riddle in the slots. :D What a shame that system wasn't employed again, but hell, BoK was designed for intelligent players; and the game companies today know there aren't any, right? :rolleyes:
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Post by Monolith »

Perhaps they just don't know any good riddles anymore... ;) . I guess that you're right though. And yes, the chests in Betrayal at Krondor were pure fun. Hey, I'm sure it would be possible to make a mod for Morrowind (or rather Oblivion) which includes a couple of those chests. This could be combined with some quests...and a nice plot. It's a shame that I *really* don't know any good riddles...
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Monolith]Perhaps they just don't know any good riddles anymore... ;) . I guess that you're right though. And yes, the chests in Betrayal at Krondor were pure fun. Hey, I'm sure it would be possible to make a mod for Morrowind (or rather Oblivion) which includes a couple of those chests. This could be combined with some quests...and a nice plot. It's a shame that I *really* don't know any good riddles...[/QUOTE]

Not to move things too far away from the subject, but if you care to do such a thing and need help with riddles, let me know. I devised quite a few when I worked as a GM on Dragonrealms, years ago. Used to get a kick watching the players working in groups to decipher the meanings. :D

That's one thing I miss in today's RPGs: literate puzzles. I swear that Lucasarts must have told Bioware and Obsidian that the KotoR games were intended for 6 year olds.
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Post by Monolith »

I'll keep that in mind, thanks. Right now it's still vague though, I think I'll wait for Oblivion or perhaps NWN 2.
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