I'll post some basic's for everyone.
*Go here for player information if you do not have access to D&D books. I will refer you to this page with questions regarding almost anything outside of the Dragonlance Book. If you don't know how a spell works, or about your equipment, check that. If you still have questions, ask me and I'll point you in the right direction. It will help everyone learn the rules digging through them for the answer's and in the end, speed up the game once people do know whats going on and how to look things up for themselves in the event they have a question.
I'm in the mood for some "super" heroes. As I'm not all that in favor of rolling for everything and having the party in need of resting constantly this is how I'll do things. You will be stronger than the average monster and person, you should be. You'll be facing a lot of them.
Hit Points:
Base--1st lvl------After 1st
1d4---4+Con M.--3+Con M.
1d6---6+Con M.--4+Con M.
1d8---8+Con M.--6+Con M.
1d10--10+Con M.-7+Con M.
1d12--12+Con M.-8+Con M.
Con: 8
You get a pool of 32 points to distribute towards your attributes. The points work as such:
You can pump your attributes to 20+racial modifiers if you wish to do so. It will just cost you nearly everything (A human with 20 strength would have 10 for everything else.)
Races: We have some modified races for the "core races" to use. I won't post everything, or all but here's some ones for you that you might like, keep in mind there are more and you may want to ask about them. If you have books of your own and would like to incorporate a race, post the info and I'll consider it.
+2 to Con, -4 to Cha.
Darkvision 120ft
+2 to Hide, Listen and Move silently Checks
-2 to attacks, saves and skill checks in bright light (sunlight, lantern light, within 30ft of a torch, etc.)
Favored Class: Rogue
Kagonesti Elf:
+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Elvensight: x2 distance in low-light as human, 30ft Darkvision
Proficient with: Short sword, Short spear, Short bow, Long bow
+1 Racial bonus to Knowledge: Nature and Survival checks
Automatic Languages: Elven and Sylvan
Favored Class: Ranger
Qualinesti Elf:
+2 Dex, -2 Con
Elvensight: See above
+1 Racial bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks
Automatic Languages: Elven and Common
Silvanesti Elves:
+2 Dex, +2 Intelligence, -2 Con, -2 Cha
+1 to Knowledge: Arcana and Spellcraft
Automatic Languages: Elven
Tinker Gnomes:
+2 Dex, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
Small Size: +1 to AC, +1 to Attack, +4 to Hide, must use smaller weapons
Base Speed: 20 (normal 30)
+2 to Craft: Alchemy checks
Guild Affiliation: Pick a guild you are connected to that has to do with something. Whatever it has to do with, you get a +2 to a set of skills. I'll explain more when that time comes.
+2 to Will Saves
Automatic Languages: Common and Gnome
Favored Class: 1st level class taken, any.
Mad Gnomes:
+2 Dex, -2 Str
+2 Bonus to Open Lock and Disable Device (can use even untrained)
The rest: Same as standard gnome (check website)
Kender (Halfling):
+2 Dex, -2 Str, -2 Wis
Small Size: See Above
Speed: 20
+1 to all Saves
+2 to Spot, *Open Locks, *Sleight of hand, (*untrained use)
-4 to Concentration Checks
Taunt: +4 to Bluff when taunting someone
Fearlessnes: Immune to fear
Auto Lang: Kenderspeak and Common
Favored Class: Rogue
If you wish to delve into those, let me know.
You will get 1 special item fitting to class, and 100 steel upon character creation, if we start at 1st level. If above, I'll set a level based equipment base.
Magic Using Characters: You have Spell points. Not Spell slots. The spell points work like the Psionic classes do with their points. Wizards and clerics STILL need to pick the spells they know for the day, but may use any of those in any arrangment they wish. The 10th level cleric can cast Cure Light wounds an absurd number of times and ignore all other spells if she wanted. I'll give you spell points based on level and ability and class.
There may be more, let me think on it.
Comments, suggestions, input, questions?