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Most Unique Character

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Most Unique Character

Post by lifeishell91 »

I have played tthis game for the past 3 years, and now, I've gotten tired of it. But I have now decided that I am going to play a little differently. I want to create the most unique character possible. Making difficult for me to play the game or just challenging. I thought, for example:

Character Name: Shiva
Character Race: Breton
Character Gender: Female

Class Name: Phantasmist
Class Specialization: Combat

Favourite Attribute 1: Intelligence
Favourite Attribute 2: Strength

Birthsign: The Apprentice

Major Skills:
- Heavy Armour
- Axe
- Conjuration
- Security
- Marksman

Minor Skills:
- Block
- Armourer
- Athletics
- Speechcraft
- Acrobatics

Just a mix of all specialization, or you could go for something even more challenging.

Thank you in advance. :p
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Post by Rookierookie »

Shiva? :confused:

But I won't really consider that character tough to play with - bows are pretty good weapons, and you still get to fight well close up with the axe. Try one without any combat or combat magic skills ;)
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Post by lifeishell91 »

It's just a name... :rolleyes:

The idea about no offensive magic or weapon skills is a good idea. It's how they decribe the preists to be in the game, you evade enemies with magic, or paralyze and run away.... good idea ! :D Or you can just use Caml Humanoid.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

Character Name: Therissi
Character Race: Breton
Character Gender: Female

Class Name: Lama
Class Specialization: Magic

Favourite Attribute 1: Strength
Favourite Attribute 2: Agility

Birthsign: The Lord

Major Skills:
- Heavy Armour
- Alteration
- Illusion
- Mysticism
- Block

Minor Skills:
- Athletics
- Alchemy
- Mercantile
- Speechcraft
- Acrobatics

I have some useful defensive skills (Block, Heavy Armour, Illusion, Acrobatics, Athletics...) and is that fails, I have the spell I get from my birthsign, as a safety precaution for health. I can use illusion to turn invisiable, make someone paralyze or calm humanoid.

Anymore ideas?
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Post by Rookierookie »

You can't even use Illusion ;)


Try playing a game with only these as the major/minor skills, and set the difficulty to 100 right from the start. You'll spend more time reloading than playing.
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Post by Raven_Song »

Wouldn't armorer be kinda pointless - given that the character has no real skill in any armor?

Couldn't that be switched with Mysticism with the stipulation that you can't use any of the absorption spells?
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Post by GA_Havoc »

That's probably the point.
What about an Altmer with birthsign the Lord, then try finishing the game without fire-res boosting equipment like the Dragonscale quirras
Do you need a silencer if you're gonna shoot a mime?
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Post by lifeishell91 »

You'll spend more time reloading than playing.
That's why I added Illusion. I think I'll try the character I thouhgt of first, then I'll try one without any magical skills apart from Restoration... :p

I want to be able to have a chance, so I will use the magical help.
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