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What is your choice of class, race and alignment?

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What is your choice of class, race and alignment?

Post by Caxen »

What class, race and alignment combination is your favorite or what do you play now? And why is it your favorite combination?
Did I say druid?
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Post by Caxen »

Only played Mage

Well, I've only played a Lawful good Human Mage.
So I suppose the plain mage is my favorite.

When I was a mage I felt incredibley powerfull and with Edwin by my side we were the gods of destruction. We came along even though I was playing lawful good. I chose humans because it gives a natural feeling, like it could be me in the game. And Lawful good is my choice because I like to be good. :)

I currently started a human druid in Baldurs Gate 1.
Did I say druid?
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Post by Coot »

It's a bit difficult to come up with a favorite combination. I have fond memories of a lot of different pc's. Half-orc chaotic good barbarian comes to mind, because he was my very first char and he was never very subtle.
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Post by Deadalready »

It's scary to play as a female and have a male character hit on you, so I tend to play as a male generally.

Me I don't like elves despite their bonuses to dexterity and saves so generally I avoid them as much as I can. My favourite race is without a doubt halflings because they look so cool and are really quirky; Other times I prefer to play a generic human.

I enjoy many, many classes I almost always choose a solid single class over any multi or dual. So far my favourite classes are the Bounty Hunter, Sorceror and Priest of Helm, these classes suit my fancy because they can easily defeat hordes of enemies when deployed in the right way and they have a high amount of levels.

I don't really feel like alignment was very well implemented in Baldur's Gate, the only thing I really use it for it merchant price deductions, so I just go for the highest starting bonus I can.
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Post by Obike Fixx »

Gender: Male. Always. I simply can't roleplay a female very well - if I could, I would certainly try them.

Class: I have a few who I prefer in various scenarios.
Swashbuckler. A thief capable of holding his own on the battlefield.
Monk. Always found their mystique quite intriguing and their simple fighting style refreshing.
Fighter/Mage/Thief. The all-round character for solo purposes.
Bard. The most underestimated class in BG, IMO. Definately one of the funniest, though. A good mixture of fighting, thieving and wizardry.

I prefer the elven/half-elven or human races.

Neutral Evil, lawful evil or the good counterparts.
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Post by Thrifalas »

Gender: I play both, but as the game is written for a male main character (3 romances instead of 1, which sucks brutally, no drow-incident, well... an annoying elf in the copper coronet hardly makes it even :P ), I usually play as one. One thing that's really funny is to make a female fighter and hack away side by side with Sarevok.

Is it only me who thinks that a romance between Sarevok and a female PC would be interesting? ^^

Race: Not elven or half-elven. I'm bored of them and their avatars are... not interesting. Humans are the standard, but right now I'm pretty interested in the shorties. Halflings, dwarves and gnomes... too bad that, as with race, nothing human/elven is fancied in romances. The game's written for a human male. ugh.

Class: I'm open for anything. What's on my mind now is a thief/mage, cheesing around with Staff of the Magi (for obvious reasons) and Staff of the Ram (for almost equally obvious reasons, backstabbing powah!)

Alignment: My favourite is abolutely Chaotic Neutral, as it fits me and gives you a lot of opportunities. True Neutral, Lawful Neutral or Neutral Evil works as well. I've a hard time playing anything Lawful though, as I prefer to be more... sneaky... while I play. And Chaotic Good or Chaotic Evil is not an option for me as I would have such a hard time roleplaying that kind of character.
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Post by Cuchulain82 »

Almost always a human fighter (kit) dualed to theif. I just love this freaking combination! :D Occasionally I multi-class with Half Orcs, Half Elves or Elves.

I also sometimes play F/M types, Archers, Ranger->Clerics, or the very rare Monk or Sorcerer.

I always have Male PCs- I'm not really interested in RPGing a female.
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Post by sologdin »

almost always run a girl, a smart, charming one with slick two-handed sword skillz. in BG2, usually dual to mage. but F/M/T is good times, too. i am naturally CG, so it's difficult to run otherwise.
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Post by boo's daddy »

Currently a NG male human Kensai/Theif (dualled). As Cuch says, this combo rocks. Males get better romance options.

Favourite previously was female Druid/Avenger. Iron skins, MR from items plus Insect Plague is damn handy. Not forgetting that they get some handy mage spells. And you can string Anomen along and give him the knock-back.

With the druid, I also tried to run a "balanced party" alignment-wise. Being true neutral, I had one each of LG, CG, LE and CE. Didn't work: somebody always ends up fighting.
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Post by Johnny »

Unless you want to multiclass, sorcerers are better than mages because only a fraction of the spells are really useful and you get more slots. Also, you don't have the tedium of having to carefully prepare spells. I've had some very fun solo games with a sorcerer. If you have ToB, you can get 10th-level spells pretty early and nuke up the place with Dragon's Breath.

Archers are also incredible fun. They never miss, so provided you can supply them with enough magic arrows they'll massacre any foe out there.

Monks are a refreshing class. Because of their immunities, they require less babying and protecting from non-weapon attacks.
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Post by Shados_Draconio »

well, I hate to be the one to be lame... but...

I am beginning to play multiplayer... this is what I use.

Male Ranger, Elf, CG alignment.
Wizard, Elf, CG
Paladin (the demon fighting one), human, CG

I enjoy the Chaotic Alignment cause it's all a matter of perspective from what I can tell..... and yes, I play the board game when time allows.
my opinion on CG...If it doesn't kill me, and it benefits me, it's GOOD.

Also enjoy the mage/thief combo. really works well in some cases, not so good for me in others.

but that's my opinion....
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