Wands generally have charges which can be seen in BGII by the little number shown next to them when a wand is placed in a quick slot. I'm not exactly sure about the level of the spell that a wand casts. But otherwise the wand does 'exactly as it says on the tin' (or item description).
You can sell wands to merchants (price depends on remaining charges and the power of the wand) and it will be fully recharged- may be useful for a powerful and useful wand.
The occasional wand-like item will disappear after one use (e.g. Rift Device) but you should know when such an item appears and how it is used.
An important thing to notice about wands is that they check their saving throws vs wards and not spells, and if I have understood it correctly, that is a good thing. I'm not much of a wand-user myself (except for the fireball-wands in bg1. Omg how I love them.) so I tend to sell most wands, with the exception of those like Cloudkill and so on.
[QUOTE=Ravager]The occasional wand-like item will disappear after one use (e.g. Rift Device) but you should know when such an item appears and how it is used.[/QUOTE]
So they do disappear after it used up it's charges?
Can it it be charged again in any way?
When you're down to one charge, sell it to a merchant. (At no charges, a merchant won't buy a wand.) You can then buy it back, fully charged, or attempt to steal it.
One bit of cheesy behavior the game permits: have your best thief quaff a potion of super thievery, and then they shouldn't have much problem stealing back all partially used wands and items you steal from most merchants. Note that once you've stolen a wand back, most merchants will refuse to buy it a second time, claiming it's "stolen goods," but there are a couple of exceptional merchants with no morals who don't care--such as the thief at the front of the thieves' guild headquarters.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
Actually I think you can recharge the rift device like anything else; the trouble is smuggling it past the insta-death spell in the sewers. There is an exploit to achieve this in User Unfriendly's cheese guide by having a ferret familiar pickpocket your character, but I have never gotten it to work. I think some of the Weidu mods may disable this particular exploit.
Guys, I don't think making a multiple use device out of the rift device was exactly the question. Let's stay focused to help Caxen, okay?
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
[QUOTE=fable]Guys, I don't think making a multiple use device out of the rift device was exactly the question. Let's stay focused to help Caxen, okay?[/QUOTE]
It's ok... I've got all the help I need and a little more fun facts. ^_^
That Beholder sure was tricky to beat, but as always. Boo bit his eyes out.