Now I'm starting it again.
First issue; class. I've selected knight, but it seems pretty dull. All I keep doing is killing those (damn) cliff runners (now I'm about to reach lvl 5) on a dusty area near ghosttown (actually I've left that area, but I've been lost there for enough time to dispair). Wich class does give you hack n slash and spells (similar to BG Fighter/mage).
So, my axe is reaching 68 points. I still dont know what does that affect for real, but ok. My main preocupation is regarding spells. How to ensure that they'll cast? Will a miscasted spell raise my proficiency with the school? And will attempting but failing to unlock a chest do the same?
Also, there is the crime sistem. Everywhere I go, if I stole something the police would come and I'd pay. Ok. Fine. Now, in ghosttown I was slain after trying to steal a glass spear. Why is that? Its only a glass spear.
And also (lastly) do I need only silver weapons to defeat the undead? Or can I kill them with the other weapons? My character now wields a two handed axe and a silver longsword. the S longsword is used only against undead and those scrib I guess. For the rest, the iron axe works 100% fine. Will I need glass weapons to hit, say, a dragon? Will there be glass two handed axes? or even better two handed axes?
BTW, stunning nightsky, stunning sound, stunning game. WOW.