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Familiar Question.....

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Familiar Question.....

Post by ajers »

Im mage lvl 15....

This familiar thing.... whats that?

I havnt a familiar!

Can i find one?
Is there any benefits having a familiar?
In case, wich benefits?
How do y use a familar?

Greetings from denmark.....
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Post by Thrifalas »

A familiar is a summon that you get after casting the "Find Familiar" spell. It's a mage spell, lvl1.

Can i find one? -> Yes, if you're the mage. Other non-protagonists(not the main character) cannot.

Is there any benefits having a familiar? -> You get the pet which can do specific things depending on what kind of familiar you get. What kind you do get depends on your alignment, and the abilties if the familiar can be anything from pickpocketing to casting spells. I do believe you gain a boots of HP or Con or something like that for having one as well.

In case, wich benefits? -> As I said, it varies a lot. Tell me your alignment and I can tell you, but you can easily find out for yourself by casting the lvl1 spell "Find Familiar."

How do y use a familar? -> Like a normal character, except it doesn't level, have a paper doll and can be put away in your pocket (thus disappearing for the moment).
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