Since this is a broad project (ie not just interested in one thing) and the post might be long I'll provide a table of contents now so you don't have to read whats not of interest.
Its a long post but might be of interest although you might be too advanced a gamer? Or you might be getting thrashed by orcs and not know what I am talking about I suppose...? Anyways I think the most interesting thing is the default party concept and the actual "working out" of how to make them rock/fun.
Thank you if you read any portion!! and sorry if the lenght causes problems...I haven't posted before and don't know if this is just scrap it moderators if it is bad. I have the text saved and can post in segments if necessary (like silverdragon did)
I. Why the default parties? What am I exploring with them?
II. What is my playing experience? (So that you will know this to give you some basis in replying to me). READ THIS: I HAVE NEVER PLAYED THROUGH AND DON'T WANT ANY SURPRISES SPOILED!!!
III. How should I build these characters? (with normal as the main goal...but hopefully open them up so they are not..."innocent by-standers" in HoF but are rather death machines
IV. My experience in tactics (see above II to see why my tactics are total rubbish and educate me further).
I. Ok so an important question...why not make my own? I think its really cool to make your own so don't get me wrong... The only thing is I find it an interesting challenge to take a default party with these features: 1) they have weaknesses 2) they have biographies and personality (somewhat) and 3) I have to adapt to them and find out how to play unfamiliar character types.
1) Why is it good that they have weaknesses? Do I enjoy reloads? Ha! Well this makes a challenge and it relates to 2...they have distinct identies. Don't get me wrong I am trying to make Hands of Fury (HandsOF) as strong as I can, but I don't want to/can't possibly make them ultimate (I'll try that out with UPP, JUPP, and silverdragons ideas some time later)
2) I can feel this party: Lead by a brutal priest of Talos, Makados with his right hand man the brutal barbarian Daheel-"bloody four" (he brutalized 4 drunks to death in a bar fight whom he had beaten to the point where they were begging for mercy. Harbesh Carver a calous thief who is mostly a thug without the coordination of most thieves (10 to start ughh). His elven friend (whom he loves to bicker with) Amraith an elven noble gone bad. Warrior archer and student in thievery of Harbesh (at least what I decided to do). Finally, the brilliant Mirtai (or something or other) who is the budding arch-mage of the group. She is in search of adventure and preferred the roving dangerousness of this group to the Hostower (sic?)...(she is Chaotic Neutral). Last but not least is the Shadow Druid (according to me) named... omg I forgot!!! they aren't as interesting as BG2 characters.
Still I can believe this party a lot better than I can believe in the crazy parties that I come up with on my own (ie what an odd coincidence that an aasimer, a tiefling, a deep gnome, a drow and some other crazies meet in a bar). Maybe I just have a poor imagination but I like the history of the party and tendencies to be given to me.
3) I would not normally choose the race/stat/classes of each party member let alone the composition as a whole. I have my own (misfounded I am seeing after reading silverdragon, UPP, JUPP etc) ideas about what is good.
So a closing comment that pretty much sums up all I've said is that I want a party that has a background and believable members with weaknesses (and actually they also have strenghts too!) take this band of misfits and thrash the living daylights out of things.
II. Ok the first time I played this game I thought it was impossible...then I figured out the basics of the to cast spells (and when) PAUSE PAUSE PAUSE etc. Then I took a break. Got awsome at BG2 and when I came back I had loads of new ideas to try. I've taken probably a hundred parties to the orc lands but only about 10 of them made it to the underdark and only 3 of them through and only one (actually the Hands of Fury a long time ago when I had not read any internet material explaining builds) defeated the guardian... For some reason I didn't play them further and they got erased when my computer broke. So I'm not clueless but I am still trying to implement what I have read...get it to actually work.
to be continued...part III and IV.