Does anyone have a clue, why none of my characters can use The Circlet Of The Tribe Of The Wolf. That summons Werewolves x3. It´s gray in the quick item slot... There are no restrictions by class or race in it´s description.
i've not had any problems w/ that item, though it won't summon werewolves it just summons wolves. it should have 3 charges when you get the item, once those are used up it should dissappear. i wonder if you ran into some kind of bug that set the charges to zero.
It summons werewolves Its HOF version... But anyway. My character´s are Bard/Druid, Paladin/Cleric, Ftr/Rogue/Barb/Wizard, Ftr/Barb/Wiz/Cleric, Sorc and Monk/Sorc.... none of them could use it.
I'm not certain, but I think that item may be a once-only thing that does not recharge, although I would expect it to disappear if it had no point. What exactly does the description say?
I don´t remember it now... I´ll tell after I get home. Maybe after week or so. It cannot be depleted.... hopefully. I used Dalekeeper to get it. Maybe it has something to do with it?