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Barbarian vs. Berserker

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Barbarian vs. Berserker

Post by krunchyfrogg »

Which do you prefer and why?

Edited to add class/kit descriptions


Immune to Backstab
1-12 HP per level rather than 1-10
+2 Movement Bonus
Rage once/day for every 4 levels (while raged, +4 Constitution and Strength for 5 rounds, +2 AC penalty, +2 Save vs. Magic, Immune to Charm, Hold, Fear, Maze, Confusion, Level Drain)
At level 11, 10% resistance to Slashing, Piercing, Crushing, and Missile Weapons (+5% for every 4 levels thereafter)


Cannot wear full plate or plate mail armor
Cannot go beyond normal weapon specialization (++)

Berserker(Fighter kit)


Can use Berserker Rage once per day for every 4 levels (While raged: +2 bonus to hit and damage, -2 AC bonus, Immune to: Level Drain, Charm, Hold, Fear, Maze, Imprisonment, Stun, and Sleep, temporary 15 HP increase [taken away at end of rage - could cause death])
Advanced Weapon Specialization (+++++)
Can use any weapon
Can use any armor


Winded after Rage (suffers -2 penalty to hit and damage, and a +2 AC penalty)
Cannot specialize in ranged weapons (+ only)
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Post by Faust »

Personally, I think Berserkers are more powerful than Barbarians. The ability to wear full plate and platemail armor, combined with the advanced specialization, is more potent than the few extra hit points and bonuses that barbarians get.
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Post by greg28j »

I, personally have never played a barbarian, but unless you install the baldurdash grandmastery fix, there is no incentive at all , to ever put any more than ** in any weapon.

So i guess it comes down to ..... Do you like full plate or chain?
I think the barbarian has potential to rock --at level 19 there is 20%resistance to everything but arcane and divine. Combine that with the easthaven flail for a 40% resistance. that makes up for lack of armor.

Their rages are similar but the berserker's is twice as long.(in duration, I mean).
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Post by masteralef »

Berserker. I'll take the imprisonment defense and full plate over hit points and resistances most of the time. Too, I always play with the grandmastery patch, which helps the berserker out a bit.
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Post by Cuchulain82 »

I think that the difference comes down to preference personally, but only if you discount the fact that...

Berzerkers can dual-class!

Bezerker-Theives, Berzerker-Mages, Berzerker-Clerics... for me this ends any debate.
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Post by Pertan »

[QUOTE=Cuchulain82]I think that the difference comes down to preference personally, but only if you discount the fact that...

Berzerkers can dual-class!

Bezerker-Theives, Berzerker-Mages, Berzerker-Clerics... for me this ends any debate.[/QUOTE]
Was about to post the same thing.
Berserker can at higher levels be a much more powerfull char than a Barbarian if you dual-classed your Berserker.
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Post by WolfHeart »

Brezerker is just better then barbarian no question about it. GM in all melle weapons, and full plate alone put him up above the barbarian. As for the defender of easthaven the weapon itself is mediocre at best compared to others that a breserker can use without having to use the defender just so he can be up to par with a guy that can wear plate. This also limits him to dual wield or using a weapon and shield.

Also (hilight to read minor spoiler below)
In TOB a brezerker/thief can use the carsomyr, a barbarian can NEVER do that.
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Post by NiteWulf »

Berzerker is better indeed. However, I will never forget the moments I spent with my cute half-orc barbarian with 3 Int. on my first play though BG... And the moving rate came in handy when I chickened out of a battle :D
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Post by Thrifalas »

As I'm a speedfreak, I'd have to go with the Barbarian. I'm not saying he's better, I'm saying I'd prefer him over a berserker. Extra HP is always usefull and his rage isn't so much worse than the berserkers. Grand Mastery don't do didly squat (aaahahaha. Can't help but use that line, I found it hillarious :D ) unless you have the Grandmaster fix (in which case the berserker clearly out-rages the Barbarian.).

But well. It was who you'd prefer, and I <3 speed, as simple as that.
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